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[Petition] Normal Server Single World Merge
The game has not that many people in it I'm sure you all know. The highest pop is Reboot NA, but the drawbacks of taking away Auction House, Trading, and Meso Market are just too devastating to switch from normal servers to reboot.
With Reboot having ~50% the pop and the other normal servers splitting the other 50% with Bera having the most of that share(< ~18%)
The server really does feel empty sometimes
So perhaps a revival of the playerbase? Merging all normal worlds is the only option because new players will not come, only nostalgic players will wonder about the game
And when they see how low the pop is the game becomes a turn off. Separating population is no way to keep a game alive especially with player count this low.
The main complaint against a single server world merge (merging all regular servers into 1 server) is server instability, lag, maps being taken.
-Even on Bera you see CLP maps being up for sale. A small world less than 18% of GMS pop, 30 channels all taken.
If we merge all worlds, would there be a need for separate server computing for all normal servers?
No, it would actually be even better because all resources would concentrate into one server creating better server stability
- All wasted resources on running the server in areas that don't need computing across the 5 worlds disappear, because in one server there is a less likely chance of that resource not being used
All Normal Servers normally run at 10-40% load, so the new server gains 40-160% load(Relative) for a server that can handle 400% load (100% load x4 servers)
That in itself is a massive performance boost.
Maplestory 64bit patch is also coming out in a couple months making the server even better
Maps like CLP, 1-5 being mass trained on
Solution: Raise the amount of channels
-With the new server resources from merging all the normal worlds the strain wont be an issue
(Especially since most servers run at 30-40% load)
- If we assume Bera has all 30 channels taken, with 4 normal servers in total
Bera Population: 17% of GMS
Normal Server Population: 44.7% of GMS
(44.7/17)= 2.63 (The amount of players playing GMS in Normal Servers Using Bera as a Unit of 1)
30*2.63 =78.9
Thus we have to account for around 79 channels to satisfy the massive amount of people who want to train in these maps based on calculations
BUT 79 is a bit overkill, I would personally set it at 60. Then nexon may roll out some new training maps that are even better in the future.
You'll have to make the players take a survey based on their preferences in the new server (Please ask for player input)
Undeniably there will be a bit of congestion in these maps, but they are always taken no matter the server, Reboot is completely full but they still manage to thrive by taking maps that are a little worse. With this new merge will come better metas to come for training as well to combat the population growth.
This ultimately is an effort to revive the liveliness of normal GMS servers
There may be issues to the approach, but if you ask the community and find out their sentiment we can find the best approach
Any issues you want to say? Leave a comment below and maybe we can make a solution of a compromise
It's a massive change
We have to go about this meticulously in order to make the right choices, so take it slow and we can develop the idea well
13 whole worlds' resources freed up - and it didn't help Reboot and Bera's lag at all. Do you really think killing another 3 worlds will be the miracle cure?
New people and old returnees seeing nobody and thinking the game is dead won't change. If anything, seeing only two worlds per region will convince them the game is dead, before they even create their first character.
And if they do create a character, there is nobody in sub-200 areas, and that won't change. We level out of there very quickly, but new players don't know that.
We didn't see a surge in new players after the World Leap made Bera crowded. We won't see a surge after doubling its population, either.
In my opinion, merging all the worlds to maybe make the game more attractive to new players, will end up driving existing players away. The old small-world veterans who like their peace and quiet, and the ones who just give up on fighting the lag and the ks'ers.
New players are still coming into the game, even with the multiple small worlds. The only people actually clamoring for server merges are those who are stuck in the past and don't understand the consequences of it.
You do realize that you're putting the strain of running 4 servers onto one, right? That's absolutely going to cause stability issues.
Where are you pulling these numbers from?
A 64-bit client isn't related to server stability. It'll solve client-sided issues like lag and crashes, but do nothing for server stability. Merging servers won't do anything to help either.
The solution is to train at other spots. CLP by itself is mediocre, and only becomes good with a frenzy.
This proposal falls apart when you consider that 44.7% of the population is spread across 90 channels already. Each with their own CLP/whatever map. Your suggestion paradoxically decreases the amount of maps for people to train at.
The only reason the training meta is in its current state is because people are too lazy to try out maps other than the ones youtubers suggest. People on reg servers take the "worse" maps despite some of them actually being better.
This sounds more like an effort to solve a problem that isn't there, and either A) give you the illusion of Maple being populated like in the old days or
Stay mad.
Also there are other weird thing like when you try to CC, you get put in a queue to change. Thats why it takes multiple attempt to hop.
Even though some players do prefer their server quiet, there isn't enough of them to rationalize 4 servers - I don't even see a reason debating this point considering Maple shows the significantly low population on every channel of every server besides bera's first few. For almost all the channels, it looks like the online players shown on that colored-bar isn't even passing the minimal amount to accurately reflect the amount of players online.
Majority is right though, tons of lag, no channels, misunderstandings about 64bit, etc.
I feel like a server merge isn't possible and first the server needs to be improved to fix domestic issues before we talk about anything like a world merge.
But from a business standpoint, the specs of the current server is enough to maintain the profit and there will barely be any newcomers(more profit) coming in
So a server upgrade seems unreasonable considering it is nexon.
Looks like a dead end, but I do enjoy the discussion.
Thanks for the ideas guys
honestly would turn me off realistically
Something like that has to be free or expecting people to buy it would be..out of touch with the f2p side?
I don't see many people buying unless they're top players in that case it's still a heavy cost
Hahahaha, so true! but you can easily tell that most of those who dislike 1 mega server are GM and all those related to nexon.... but the average ppl like me and you know exactly what the game truly needs....
it's kinda like average citizens and politicians if you think about it, the politicians will never do anything good (barely) for the average person cause they don't know how it is to live a daily life in normal life
Or they see the disasters that happen on reboot because of its high population (july dmt fam where you at), and decide "no i don't want that".
I see it more like people who play the game for a week, then buzz off for a few months deciding they know what's best for the game compared to the people who play on a regular basis, and have seen why a single mega server wouldn't work, despite constantly telling the former why it'd be a horrendous idea.
One anecdotal failed event = a bigger server is a horrendous idea? I really don't get what kind of bubble some maplers live in, most MMORPGS are in the 6-digits + for active player population, these maple servers are likely on the low end of 4-digits. Are you really suggesting Nexon couldn't invest in a quality server for 1 world over the server they have now poorly accommodating 4 different worlds? You should truly expect more from the company your pouring your time and money into at your own leisure.
I could go on. In addition to that DMT, which failed multiple times, Bera has issues with lag too, and Reboot has been having lag issues as of late as well. Care to explain what would make this server not lag?
Do you have receipts? Other MMOs that also have a steam client average 3-4 digits as well. EVE Online in that link, only broke 5 digits for literally one week in November.
Based on how they treat Reboot and Bera right now, refusing to alleviate stability issues, what makes you think they'd care about this new server? The 3 "dead" worlds (bera's not dead let's be real here) rarely have the stability issues Reboot and Bera do.
and i get called the nexon employeewhy should i expect more from the company that can't even keep two servers running properly?
1) I do not have the inside scoop on how Nexon has set up their servers. Short answer would probably be more investment by Nexon.
2) It's like you consolidated all the dying mmo's to emphasize their decline for me.. My apologies you're missing the point I'm making, if you compared MapleStory to a relatively successful MMORPG, you would notice how absolutely dead the servers are. So seeing 4+ of them dead is just tone deaf, because anything enticing about playing an MMORPG is diminished because of MapleStory's server population.
I see a lot of people saying they prefer a 'nice and quiet' server.. However it's saddening that these players convince themselves they prefer a quiet server for the actual gameplay, when in reality they settle for it because they know the servers for their favourite game are horrendous.
3) my point was, if you can't afford server stability on the 2 most popular worlds for your game, why invest in 3 more for a minimal playerbase. It actually aligns with the usual disregard for player experience
4) That's not the question you should be asking, it should be "why should I invest heaps of my time in a game that can't be run properly?". MapleStory has a loyal fanbase, but mismanagement can ruin a lot of things.
I know it's hard to believe, but some people genuinely have different preferences than your own. They don't "convince themselves" and they don't "settle", it's truly what they prefer.
You know how, in real life, there are some people who like going out to clubs and partying with scores of strangers, and there are those who'd rather hang out with 2-3 good friends at home?
I can only speak for myself:
When I started playing, it was in 2008, and it was because I saw a family member playing. They were in Windia. I liked what I saw of the game, but I didn't like how everywhere my family member went, there were people. So when I made my own account, I did it in Kradia, which was the newest and smallest world at the time.
Over the years I've had plenty of time to change my mind, either back when world transfers were sold for NX, or during the world leap when "everyone" went to Bera. I didn't "settle". I truly liked, and still like, the peace and quiet of Kradia/YMCK/MYBCKN/Aurora.
As for what we can expect from Nexon: it may be sad but we've got to be realistic. It makes zero sense to give up the playable worlds on the hope that Nexon will suddenly change its policy of many years and actually invest the resources in such a way that will make crowded worlds not painful.
**When you signed up to play maplestory in any server in 2008, underpopulated servers wouldn't be a problem. Kradia 11+ years ago is not analogous or similar to the Aurora server, they should not be generalized, so it seems like your preferences may have shifted, or you are just complacent with the changes.
It actually isn't that hard to believe people have differing opinions, I'm alluding to what might be motivating those opinions AKradian. Realistically, a lot of people (on this forum) rationalize not wanting server merges because of server stability - which proves my point. Players are settling because they don't expect the company running this game to make the servers competent enough to handle a population size of a growing MMO. however, I'm sure over time people have gotten used to this dead-server situation and are now complacent as well. Reminds me of the Allegory of the Cave - as it seems some get irritated when you bring up this reality.
I get what you're saying, but I'm pretty sure world pop of 1 server in 2008 and all 4 combined right now
Are pretty much the same/ worse pop
The question is not whether or not you like low pop
But whether or not GMS servers have too low of a pop
4 Servers all divided sub-5k normal server population
The servers at client page look empty as fk
It's just massively unattractive to any new/ returning player.
It makes Maplestory feel dead and unlively, completely newcomer unfriendly
And the question is:
"If an MMO server is not Massively Multiplayer and just Online, Why play? If it will die soon and all effort is wasted... why invest time?"
Having 4 servers all almost equally as dead instead of a central superserver to play on is just a plague which will slowly whittle at GMS players over time
I always believe greater pop is better, but that comes with lag on the prehistoric servers they use to maintain today's GMS.
It's impossible to progress without either better coding on their servers or a better server overall
But I think a complete non-Reboot World Merge is a good direction
Otherwise a merge is impossible
The lag would just destroy this game lol