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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
✓ Yu Garden NPCs Have Disappeared On December 29
Bug type: NPC
Brief bug summary: In Shanghai's Yu Garden, the 3 Black Market Merchant NPCs have stopped appearing as of December 29th, 2020.
More details:
Liuyi, Feng Shao, and Suspicious Alchemist, the Black Market Merchant NPCs in Yu Garden, only appear for 8 hours every day, but for some reason when ChinaMS created this area, they set these NPCs to disappear permanently on December 29th, 2020. What this means is that they no longer appear in ChinaMS, JapanMS, GlobalMS, or MapleSEA as of December 29th. I have no idea why ChinaMS included an end date in the first place, but as a result many people have been unable to visit these NPCs and buy certain items with Yu Garden Coins.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Visit Yu Garden from 6 PM to 2 AM UTC (11 AM - 7 PM Pacific Time, 2 PM - 10 PM Eastern Time)
2. Attempt to visit any of the 3 NPCs mentions above. You will notice that none of them are present.
Character name: GreenGales
Character level: 255 (applies to anyone though)
Character job: Wind Archer (applies to any class though)
World name: Bera (applies to any world though)
Date and time of the incident: December 29, 2020 at 2:00 AM UTC (10 PM Eastern Time)
Are you sure you checked at the right time?