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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Stuck on Act 1 of Masteria Epic
Region: NA
World: Reboot
Character name: bôys
I started the Masteria Epic questline and after defending Lukan for a couple of minutes and completing that quest, my entire screen went black (only the actual background of the game - I could still see the mini-map and my character moving and as well as the character info and quickslots). I wasn't able to NPC chat with Lukan or enter the portal that should have been there so I exited through the Statue of Time. Upon re-entering via the Statue of Time I am now stuck with the quest:
(Lv. 160) Onwards, to Masteria! - this is also still in my available quests on the sidebar even though I completed it. So, the only option that I have now is talking with Lukan and that is the only quest he brings up.
Is there anything that I can do to resolve this issue or have I ruined my chances at getting the beautiful Antellion Guardian badge!?
(The Onward to Masteria quest in your lightbulb is intended, but the one at Lukan isn't, its been bugged for a while now)
I attached a link to an image of both my In Progress and Completed quests. There are no quests in progress that I can forfeit and re-do
Currently, I have no quests in Masteria that are "in progress" (checked all of the tabs but just closed them for this picture to show them all)
Also, in the completed quests tab I have 13 completed quests in Masteria and those are all 13 that are listed (it seems that none are for the Masteria Epic but rather for the prequel to it?)
Thanks for any help you can provide!
I'll reach out to support and hopefully they can help me resolve the issue, would the best way to contact them be through Nexon Support center chat function?
Thanks again for the help and guidance!