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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Monster Life Gems Not Compensated
Bug type: Compensation, Monster Life Gems
Brief bug summary: The patch notes said that any monster life gems used to purchase Ultrafine Monster Boxes prior to the 6/9 maintenance would be fully compensated after the 6/9 maintenance. It has been almost a week since then and I still have not received the compensation.
More details: I used all my monster life gems to purchase and open Ultrafine Monster Boxes, so I had a final balance of 0 gems but a heck ton of special monsters. The purchases and opening of the boxes happened the day prior to the 6/9 maintenance. After the 6/9 maintenance, I checked and my balance is still 0 gems; I was not compensated any gems at all. Nothing in the gift box.
(anything not included in the other sections of your report)
Steps to reproduce: Check my purchase history using monster life gems?
(if not covered in the summary)
Character name: ARTUFLCIS
Character level: 230
Character job: Bishop
World name: Bera
Date and time of the incident: Prior to the 6/9 update (ultrafine boxes purchased and used); and after the 6/9 update the gems not compensated
(mention your time zone if you aren't posting Pacific time)
Thank you for the report and we apologize, we discovered that some Monster Life Gem compensation were not distributed during the June 9 maintenance.
We will be distributing those Monster Life Gem compensations during this week's maintenance.
Please let us know if you didn't receive the compensation after the maintenance!
- The Monster Life Gem compensation for the Ultrafine Monster Boxes used during May 28, 2021 at 12:00 AM UTC ~ June 9, 2021 (Before Maintenance) will be distributed. Please check the Ultrafine Monster Box compensation post for additional details.