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(Suggestion) Guilds

Reactions: 640
Posts: 28
edited June 2021 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
So I have put a lot of time working on my legion levels so here is what I would think is a good suggestion. I do not join guilds I haven't since I started playing a while ago one of the big flaws in my opinion is the fact you have to join a guild for each character you make which is ridiculous you should be able to join a guild and its account bound. So if I switch to other characters they 're in the guild and I get the guild buff's. Please take this suggestion and implement it in the game I know I am not the only one who would love to have this in the game.


  • AcidtongueAcidtongue
    Reactions: 1,325
    Posts: 61
    edited June 2021
    Why does each of your characters join a guild? I just have my main and maybe like a side Im leveling up. If its for guild skills most people just use them for bossing. You boss on all your characters?
  • tylerthebesttylerthebest
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 28
    edited June 2021
    Acidtongue wrote: »
    Why does each of your characters join a guild? I just have my main and maybe like a side Im leveling up. If its for guild skills most people just use them for bossing. You boss on all your characters?

    I don't have a main I play all classes and different ones everyday its just depends on how I am feeling. And yes I do bossing on pretty much all my classes not everyday but do boss on them.
  • KezrauxKezraux
    Reactions: 1,095
    Posts: 35
    edited June 2021
    Sorry, but this will never happen. If you want guild buffs on another character, join a guild on that character.
  • tylerthebesttylerthebest
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 28
    edited June 2021
    Kezraux wrote: »
    Sorry, but this will never happen. If you want guild buffs on another character, join a guild on that character.

    Why would this never happen it isn't a hard thing at all to add to the game lots of games do this. How do you know this wouldn't ever happen are you a developer of the game if not don't make comments like that. Anyway I really hope they do add this in the future I really do think it would make the game much better.
  • KezrauxKezraux
    Reactions: 1,095
    Posts: 35
    edited July 2021
    Kezraux wrote: »
    Sorry, but this will never happen. If you want guild buffs on another character, join a guild on that character.

    Why would this never happen it isn't a hard thing at all to add to the game lots of games do this. How do you know this wouldn't ever happen are you a developer of the game if not don't make comments like that. Anyway I really hope they do add this in the future I really do think it would make the game much better.

    You don't have to be someone developing a game to make extremely educated guesses from years of observations. Maple has been this way since birth. It would kill a certain social aspect of the game to only allow people to join a single guild per world. Anyone who wants this doesn't understand how it's objectively worse in that it's putting a strict limitation on something beneficial that no one has ever had a problem with (because it's a good system).
  • tylerthebesttylerthebest
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 28
    edited July 2021
    Kezraux wrote: »
    Kezraux wrote: »
    Sorry, but this will never happen. If you want guild buffs on another character, join a guild on that character.

    Why would this never happen it isn't a hard thing at all to add to the game lots of games do this. How do you know this wouldn't ever happen are you a developer of the game if not don't make comments like that. Anyway I really hope they do add this in the future I really do think it would make the game much better.

    You don't have to be someone developing a game to make extremely educated guesses from years of observations. Maple has been this way since birth. It would kill a certain social aspect of the game to only allow people to join a single guild per world. Anyone who wants this doesn't understand how it's objectively worse in that it's putting a strict limitation on something beneficial that no one has ever had a problem with (because it's a good system).

    You do, to make decisions like that you are not apart of the game development therefore you can not say they would never do such a thing they can change how they want to do something in a game when ever they want that is how video games are you saying they would never do that when you are not a part of it doesn't make since you are making a guess its not a answer there is a difference. So don't try to make a argument about something you do not have control of yes it is possible they may never do anything about it but that doesn't mean they would never do it. A guess is a guess but you are not guessing when you are telling me they would never do this you are clarifying that they wouldn't do it when you say that. That is not guessing that is you giving me a answer which once again isn't a legitimate answer. That is why I said don't make a statement telling me they would never do such a thing when you have no control over what they can what they can't do. Also when did I say in any of my post's to only be able to join one guild at a time? I never said this I said it would be nice to join a guild and it counts for all my character's that I get on. I wouldn't have a problem if you had one special guild where it count's towards all character's and then a main guild for I guess your main character if you have one I don't see that as a problem lot's of people have secondary guild's. Maybe read what I exactly say next time instead of trying to make me think I don't understand.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2021
    Nexon gives us very powerful guild skills, but in return they want us to do guild content. Flag Race, Sharenian Culvert (GPQ), daily check-ins and daily bosses. I find it very hard to believe that they would let us have the powerful guild skills on all characters, in return for doing all the work on only one character. They also would not want to allow guilds to level up 10x or 40x faster, if they can get their members to cap contribution on all mules.
  • tylerthebesttylerthebest
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 28
    edited September 2021
    AKradian wrote: »
    Nexon gives us very powerful guild skills, but in return they want us to do guild content. Flag Race, Sharenian Culvert (GPQ), daily check-ins and daily bosses. I find it very hard to believe that they would let us have the powerful guild skills on all characters, in return for doing all the work on only one character. They also would not want to allow guilds to level up 10x or 40x faster, if they can get their members to cap contribution on all mules.

    Simple make it setup where your whole account in the guild is setup like one character so there isn't this 10x or 40x faster stuff make it where it caps per day not hard to do and the daily's can only be done on what you would call a main now days in the game and you would have to choose it in the guild and there would be a 24hour cooldown if need be if you wanna change your main in the guild. Same with the special guild skills make it setup for one character a day use not hard for them to do. This would not be hard for them at all to do and would fix all the issue's you seem to feel is hard for a billion dollar company to do. Also once again then you have all your characters in one guild so then I will feel like being in a guild to me I want to get to know people in the guild but if I'm always on different characters I can't do that unless they add something like this and I know for a fact I am not the only one that feels this way about the guild setup in this game.