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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
More Descriptive patch notes
Patch notes are not a place to be vague on changes that have been made and events. We want to know these things before we enter the game. Not having to figure these things out. We want to be informed on everything that has changed in the new patch. Be more descriptive. I know you can do it
* They weren't clear on what was changed for Kaiser/Luminous/AB and didn't even attempt to say why those changes were made.
* A lot of skill changes didn't come with numbers. Of note was all of the damage changes without numbers (mostly with hyper skills), and the fact that the radius of Bishop's Heal was reduced, but we weren't told by how much. NL's shadow Web had its height decreased, but we weren't told by how much
* The "A Better Maple System Changes" didn't even match the list we were given in the A Better Maple Update memo that is still on the front page of the website.
* Some of those changes listed didn't have any details whatsoever (We still haven't been given an answer as to what exactly was revamped with the maple reward items. The coin exchange is listed as an event in this list, but there is no related event listed under the events section of the patch notes. Etc...)
I could go on but I hope Nexon (if they even read this) can see the picture. This is just not adequate. I'm not trying to be rude, merely truthful. I don't think its that crazy to say that we, as players, deserve better information in our patch notes. Its almost to the point where I wish we would get 2 separate patch notes, written by 2 different people. 1 of which focuses solely on the events coming up, and the other one to focus solely on the actual changes made to the game. Be explicit in what they are, why they were made, give us numbers etc....
We should have detailed patch notes like before, but with fact checking done sooner rather than later and any late edits made noticeable. The old style of notes weren't overwhelming as Nexon claimed they were - they were inaccurate and had some wrong information.