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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Ok guys, i was thinking:
What skill do you want or expect to come in the future for your class? What could add something good to your class that reflect some of it's playstyle?
So i tought they could add maybe a new passive in the future and a active for each class:
For marksmans:
i tought a passive like the old times that gave em 90%mastery(after all you are a class o precision), also maybe a skill that slow down enimes like ashs basic attack in LOL(a worst slower than your 2job one), would help in enimies, or maybe some knock-back?(like corsair/cannoer and with cool down)
Maybe they could change our 5job skill to a buff that change your passive to get more damage in close rang, 15% to 100%, would be better maybe? i'm not really sure)
For buccaneers:
i tought on maybe some buff or a passive that active when you transform, and change your octopunch similar to how shade's one was before the seal on BlackMage, where he could punch in large distances and multiple enimes.
And also add somethin to the 5job like: your skills, when charged cost halve the cost of charge when transformed with the 5job skill, would be much more viable for buccs.
For Corsairs:
maybe make passive so your summons(the ships) could change direction to the boss/mob that you focused on with your egg skill, would let them get some extra damage on it.
Well some classes i don't know what could go(like bishop), since they got already a lot of changes that ''complete'' the class
Well maybe with new skills they could add a quest so you could get a new slot for 5job skills, like you can get one in 215, 230 and 245(or just 230 since the new map will problably be 230+), a quest where you would farm some stuff(mob/drops) and maybe even afk for some time.
So what so you guys think, what skills could be added to your class(including passives)? hope it's not too long for some to read =p
Only logical move by Nexon really.
Like making buccs skills cost less(%reduction that increases as the lv go up)
Night lords could have one to trow a extra star with a %chance while attacking.(like 25% lv50?)
WA could have a chance to have the extra sound arrows, or maybe a toggle on-off skill with cool down to make them walk like others archers, but they have a reduced damage, so if you want more damage you stand still.
Fire poisons could have a higher cap for the DOT stacking passive, like up to 7/8, so they could incenviate to use even 2job DOT ones, maybe even making 6%dmg for each DOT isntead of 5%.
I/L could have a damage increase debuff with the ice passive that stack on mobs.
-Or maybe classes that high cool down skills get one with low cool down and vice versa(obvsiously if possible, some classes:
Like marksman get a active skill with lower cool down, since the today's one is 180secs.
Wild hunter could also use one, since their is quite high in cool down, maybe one active to increase the bite stacks by 1(maybe it could even be a mobbing skill).
Shadowers could have a meso dropper one(don't cost your meso), to drop a high quantity of mesos and you do much more damage with meso explosion.
Arans could get a up in damage, for every 100 combos they have, so if you combo more you get more damage, and maybe pdr.