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  • DadevilslayaDadevilslaya
    Reactions: 850
    Posts: 12
    edited January 2017
    This champion event kinda seems a bit unfair :P hopefully this is full on everyone can do it rather than major guilds working together while kicking lessers down not having a chance for any rewards. Most likely the people showing off their world records and 220+ and are wealthy and have a solid guild. Well, gives everyone more the reason to try harder :3 I'm 50/50 on this but sounds both fun and depressing XD
  • MoeruHoheiMoeruHohei
    Reactions: 850
    Posts: 14
    edited January 2017
    Time for people who spend mad money on this game and bots/hackers to earn all the rewards. I'd rather have good servers, a fixed event hall, and idk, 2-3 Upot scrolls?
  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited January 2017
    this might be hard to reinforce... : [