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Classes that are FUN to play


  • Yuk1Senpa1Yuk1Senpa1
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016

    Well the bandwagon class currently is demon avenger which I will be making, Bam is on the rise too, kaiser got the most op 5th job skill even though slightly nerfed. if you like afking, beasttamer is now open. If you are not on reboot then zero is really fun but not part of burning. Xenon is what I main and is relatively fun but will actually requre some funding now. If I was you i'd try one of the pirate classes theyre pretty funa nd have good mobbing skills. As for op= aran, NL, kaiser.
    bandwagon it is--

  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited December 2016
  • RaymondclericRaymondcleric
    Reactions: 720
    Posts: 28
    edited December 2016
    No strong opinion from me
  • BleethBleeth
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 14
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2016
    I like the Phantom, because... Cards!
  • RaymondclericRaymondcleric
    Reactions: 720
    Posts: 28
    edited December 2016
    Gonna level a Evan today. I like dragons, and I guess it has more of a cool look to me.
  • EddieFoxFoxEddieFoxFox
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 34
    edited December 2016
    Paladin so I can take 1 dmg from everything :p
  • RaymondclericRaymondcleric
    Reactions: 720
    Posts: 28
    edited December 2016
    Forgot there's a paladin class..
  • MakazeKibaMakazeKiba
    Reactions: 1,800
    Posts: 224
    edited December 2016
    Oh I love Hayato. High mobility, decent damage, good class to hold your own in a bad harassment situation. Plus, the Skill Chaining. Oh god, the chaining.