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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Link skills - do they matter and are they availabl
1. do they matter a WHOLE lot? for example in WoW we have racials and they ONLY matter if your min maxing dmg which takes good skills for the players because they provide only like a 1% buff in dmg so it doesn't matter too much but seeing as how you can link i think up to 11? skills on one character i highly assume it matters a lot especially seeing how good some are.
2. if i create a character that provides a link skill will i get said skill on that character alone? such as say i make a demon slayer which gives boss dmg% will i get that skill on that character alone or is it only a skill i can grant to other characters?
3. is the evan link skill even good? i was planning to main one but seeing how often you can use runes and where they are placed seems kind of bad imo unless your training but for bossing wise which i want to really get into does it even affect it at all?
2. The whole idea of a LINK skill is that you get it on that character and also on one other character on the account (which you can change once a day).
So if you main an Evan and make a Demon Slayer, the Demon Slayer can give the Evan a %boss damage boost.
3. It's good for leveling. You can use runes once in 10 minutes, so making each rune last an extra minute means 10% more experience per hour of training.
As far as I know, it's not particularly useful for bossing except maybe in extreme cases (using Rune of Skill to be able to "spam" your ultimate or something).
Link skills shouldn't affect what you main. That's why they're link skills. You make them on side characters and you give all the skills to your one main.
Your main should be the character you most enjoy playing.
every pro i kn does daily cranmadaru with rune time and with evan link is also possible u do cht during rune time
We have more possible link skills than that (I think it's 16 now?) so one does have to pick and choose a bit. The exp from the boss is still "for leveling". The rune doesn't help you to defeat the boss.