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[LAG/STABILITY] Ongoing lag issues megathread!


  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited December 2016
    Can't even level up my burning character because it's so laggy.
    Can't even do the Play V Rewards thing either because it's so laggy.
    The game freezes every once in a while and then I crash.
  • sparebladespareblade
    Reactions: 1,220
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    edited December 2016
    The lag in Scania has gotten considerably worse since the "update" happened. Makes grinding for the elite bosses that much harder :( I hate dc'ing every 10 minutes.
  • piercedfreakpiercedfreak
    Reactions: 1,000
    Posts: 83
    edited December 2016
    Chukki said:

    No they aren't ignoring it.

    They did a patch the other day on an "attempt" to improve server stability.

    Did it work? Yes.
    However it wasn't enough.
    It was a lot better than the other day.
    They upgraded the login server, not the game server, because it couldn't handle the load of people logging in.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2016
    Maryse said:

    Can't even level up my burning character because it's so laggy.
    Can't even do the Play V Rewards thing either because it's so laggy.
    The game freezes every once in a while and then I crash.
    Yeah...can't even do something simple like mining >.<
  • AntroxiousAntroxious
    Reactions: 870
    Posts: 37
    edited December 2016
    They´ll do something about it. Probably somewhere at the next maintenance knowing them. As long as people spend money on the Marvel Machine and Surprise boxes they´re happy. They don´t care about events turning impossible, servers being unstable, players being unhappy.
  • VolumezVolumez
    Reactions: 1,335
    Posts: 68
    edited December 2016
    It's literally impossible to play!
    it's 2016 ffs, buff your servers please! This is a worldwide online game, there's no way you are not prepared for the masses of people who come to play your game.
    heck with those x2 events, don't even want them
  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
    Posts: 322
    edited December 2016

    They´ll do something about it. Probably somewhere at the next maintenance knowing them. As long as people spend money on the Marvel Machine and Surprise boxes they´re happy. They don´t care about events turning impossible, servers being unstable, players being unhappy.
    Yeah they'll do something about it after the events are over and things get boring again...QQ
  • kiraleenakiraleena
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016

    Yeah they'll do something about it after the events are over and things get boring again...QQ
    That's like saying they'll feed the starving lion after it's dead. Gee thanks Nexon! f3

    But seriously, this lag/DC issue has been around time and time again for years. YEARS!!! I still don't understand why they don't learn from such things and work more to PREVENT it rather than saying sorry and throwing more lag-inducing events in our face when brown jelly hits the fan.

    "There was huge lag and you couldn't participate in the event? Our apologies. Here's another laggy event to make up for it :) "
  • HiekHiek
    Reactions: 925
    Posts: 39
    edited December 2016

    servers are unplayable during 2x (specially reboot)
    All the Worlds are linked to a single Server. If Reboot lags, then we all lag.
    This has been tested by going to a complete dead world such as Yellonde or my previous world, Bera during 2⨯
  • kiraleenakiraleena
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 4
    edited December 2016
    A few years back when there weren't as many worlds, Scania would lag during 2x when all channels were full and red. Now the same thing happens when all channels are barely at 50% capacity. GG
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited December 2016
    I really don't want 2x event when the server is barely stable GG and another useless gm event seriously nexon fix the freakin lag! I just wish irl many people would put their fists and place the sign in their HQ! I just wish for that to happen.
  • The Blue CorsairThe Blue Corsair
    Reactions: 1,915
    Posts: 103
    edited December 2016
    I really don't ever like complaining (and usually never have), but the lag has definitely made an impact on my general experience playing recently. I was unable to play for a majority of the 2x event today (gave up after about 10 minutes) as I had been disconnecting constantly prior, and it made me a bit sad.

    Everything has checked out here (internet is still getting 300MBp/s, and no ping issues) so not much else to do.
  • PlasticHollyPlasticHolly
    Reactions: 2,140
    Posts: 125
    edited December 2016
    of course they are, they made one effort, it wasn't effective, then the weekend hit and they all went home essentially.. other wise surely they would be posting on the many threads, oh wait, I momentarily forgot where I was
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2016

    I really don't want 2x event when the server is barely stable GG and another useless gm event seriously nexon fix the freakin lag! I just wish irl many people would put their fists and place the sign in their HQ! I just wish for that to happen.
    Lol...but I don't wanna ruin my chances of ever being a GM =3=" -knows where Nexon HQ is-
  • ShippouShippou
    Reactions: 1,570
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    edited December 2016
    When they said they "beefed up" the servers, they meant literally.
    They threw in a bunch of half-cooked slabs of beef into the physical servers.
  • LilyflowerLilyflower
    Reactions: 4,030
    Posts: 760
    edited December 2016


    I really don't want 2x event when the server is barely stable GG and another useless gm event seriously nexon fix the freakin lag! I just wish irl many people would put their fists and place the sign in their HQ! I just wish for that to happen.
    Lol...but I don't wanna ruin my chances of ever being a GM =3=" -knows where Nexon HQ is-
    lol... dw I'm sure u will get ur chances :) when the gms who doesn't help the players get fired.

  • TheHoATheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 337
    edited December 2016
    I found it suddenly laggy 20 min ago, so I checked southperry's GMS status - something's definitely wrong.
  • JaridavinJaridavin
    Reactions: 435
    Posts: 24
    edited December 2016
    It's been laggy for days now.
  • HeroDjinnHeroDjinn
    Reactions: 1,535
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    edited December 2016
    for me its lag, GM Police DCs, and crashes, i didnt have this problem before the patch thats for sure
  • serveyou123serveyou123
    Reactions: 750
    Posts: 41
    edited December 2016
    Vote for new stronger upgrade servers?