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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Make decendent Vskills Microable And farming Nodes
This may help if done.
Make Decent V-skills Micro-able and if you can put Decent Holy symbol.
Having so many skills to buff with as a phantom kinda is annoying since when your buffing the other buffs die a little faster so every 1.8 min you have to buff...
Make nodes TRADE-ABLE THROUGH ACCOUNT ONLY instead of trade-able when crafted to make the game have some meaning behind the 5th job.
lower the amount of money it cost to upgrade arcane?
Make new arcane area spawn more faster
the Decent skills can't be macro'd because they have a cooldown, skills with cooldowns can't be macro'd and the cooldowns on those skills wont be going anywhere anytime soon.
the nodes thing I agree with.