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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
So, I was just reading through the Beyond notes on Orangemushroom.net and I noticed something that I can't find anyone talking about.
- Characters who are out of combat will be excluded from the party experience bonus and distribution.
So, KMS is effectively trying to kill leeching.
What do you think about this change? I don't know how prevalent this is in the upper-level play nowadays, but I remember back in the days of LHC party-play, often bishops and other support classes would rely on leeching (in return for buffs) to level.
This...yes..so much
Theres no skill they can use during that mode to actually drastically help a party out other than buff... RIP Support.
actually they have blitzkreg cradle and that other AoE skill,but i think we can all agree BT needs some major updates
With the HS nerf, and addition to Decent HS nodes along with this change, Nexon is just beating a dead horse as many people have started solo-playing this game for years.