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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
PvP and other competitive modes
One thing that is really lacking in Maplestory right now are competitive modes. As of now it feels far too repetitive, grindy and not interactive. As long as you have a guide in front of you, training isn't difficult and funding characters doesn't require any practice or "skill". I know Maplestory was not intended to be a competitive game, but I'm not asking for esports level competitiveness and all I'm asking for is to have some alternatives that does not involve looking up guides and doing things step after step to perfection. Innovation, discovery and practice is something that makes me want to play games. Of course not everyone likes these kind of stuff, but I'm sure there are handful of people who would love to have these type of aspects in Maplestory. This game already had some of these aspects in CPQ, Ariant PQ and Chaos PvP, so it's not like the team is stepping into unknown territory. They already have their feets wet, so I'm not sure what is stopping the staff from reimplementing this into the game once again. One could make the argument that not enough people will play these contents (which I don't think is the case), but so what? If the mode isn't a big hit, so be it. There are PQ's that nobody plays anymore, and yet I don't see Nexon fiddling around with it and removing it. On the flip side, if the mode is a big hit, then it could be a big turning point in this game, which has always been about mindless PvE that involved little to no decision making and innovation. I know if I am complaining about the core of this game then I shouldn't be playing this game in the first place, but because I really enjoyed the competitive modes while it lasted I thought I would at least share my thoughts and opinion. Besides, the whole point of a suggestion forum is to open up your boundary and suggest things out of comfort range rather than accept the norm and act as if nothing will ever change.
- A HP like Madman Ranmarue's HP, ofc letting ppl simply use pots would be lame
- Something where players actually fight, not like Arena where you use bosses as puppets
- Stages in someway doesn't completly stop the fight but force the players to do, just for example, a mini jump quest, then they can back to the fight. The one who's slow or fail would have a punishement or something. Or again, the one who succes will have a reward to help him. So it's not only fighting, but ''finger skills'' or thinking skills
Well I just got these ideas so far, but yea you guys could certainly make it great. Also, connexion, lags, crashs are real issues in this game, so you would have to consider it.
There's also The Legends Return or whatever that star planet minigame was called. Maybe if they just made a hero for every class and gave 'em like, five abilities each, that might work.
There's also the problem with the damage gap, and how the funded can stomp the unfunded to the curb. You could just make it so your range doesn't factor into your damage, but it's also kinda lame if all the work you put into your character doesn't matter at all. Another thing they could do is make it like RuneScape's pvp minigames, where it balances teams by level. Except they'd probably be balancing teams by clean range in this case.
And there's some competetive stuff, like Lachenl PQ, Mu Lung Dojo, Tower of Oz, mostly people go hardcore on dojo, but look how Tower of Oz is now with the new emblems, even tought it's competitive, it's only really viable to make competitive something everybody can really do and get something good.
I think they really could revamp GPQ, not flag race, but the old Guild party quest, like making it give guild points for who do it and your guild, and giving better rewards at the end would be nice(making ergoth with more hp would be a must too), and you can have the rankings every week, that can grant more stuff and more points to the guild, it also could give exp to the guild. Maybe giving cubes? epic scroll/bonus pot, pot with like 50att for 30minutes if you got a high rank(like 20pots).