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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Update On Falsely Stated Violet Cube Limit?
So, are we going to receive an update any time soon on the violet cube limit situation?
This is pretty important considering some of us only charged NX and cubed our equipment because we thought we'd have a purchase limit of 3, and cubed over stats that originally cost around $600 in red cubes to get, with hopes of violets giving us something better. (:
I will forward your concern, but I recommend you also make a Customer Support ticket asking for compensation or for your equipment to be restored to its previous potential (include screenshots).
This and the kanna ban issue are two things I feel have been handled incredibly poorly.
First you have the "official stance" on suicide kanna applying retroactively to bans handed out for the practice before nexon's "official position" was made known to players. While I agree with the overall opinion of "this is not an intended game function", I don't feel it's right to ban people for something that wasn't explicitly stated as a bannable action, then justify and uphold those bans with a statement after the fact.
Now you have this violet cube sale which was advertised in their black Friday posts as being a purchase limit of three packs, but in reality was a single pack. And all they do is update the post after the sale is over to reflect the single-pack purchase limit and call it a day? I don't think I need to explain to you, of all people, how scummy that sounds.
That's pretty screwed up, and it's a shame more people aren't making a big deal about it. It really seems like a huge scam to get people to purchase a large quantity of NX before the release of those cubes to get their (3) packs that were stated.
I'm not saying Nexon did this on purpose, I'm sure it was a mistake, but this situation was indeed handled very, very poorly.
Thank you, I will submit a ticket.