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Reboot or Regular server?

Reactions: 1,375
Posts: 89
edited December 2019 in General Chat
I like to trade/merchant - regular server
I like a good community, i don't like trying to boss and i can't solo it and can't find anyone to help me
Im older now don't have a ton of time to play every single day for 8+ hours a day like before so farming mesos in reboot MIGHT be an issue for me idk.
I don't like having to rely on spending money for NX to get items that i NEED. i don't mind spending say $50 a month but i don't want items that i need to be gated by NX or merchanting items gated by nx as well. like i want to be able to farm mesos or items and sell them at a steady pace rather then gach or w.e. and sell those items.

Haven't played in a LONG time pre bb and later but i do play here and there for a few days only but plan to come back for good. Any help on deciding is appreciated. i tried reboot many times it seems alright.. but like i said i don't have all that time i can maybe play 4-5 hours or less per day and on my days off i can play longer but usually i play 2-3 hours a day at most. pretty much working the rest of the time or doing other things.


  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
    Posts: 780
    Member, Private Tester
    edited December 2019
    Sounds like reg server would be a better fit for you since you like the trading aspect. You can do pretty well with just your dailies and selling the loot. You also benefit a lot from events and meso market if you wanna be fully f2p.
    Now you can also buy some pets in auction house, and revive them with the reward point Water of Life.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited December 2019
    HHG1 wrote: »
    Sounds like reg server would be a better fit for you since you like the trading aspect.
    I don't like having to rely on spending money for NX to get items that i NEED. i don't mind spending say $50 a month but i don't want items that i need to be gated by NX or merchanting items gated by nx as well. like i want to be able to farm mesos or items and sell them at a steady pace rather then gach or w.e. and sell those items.

    start both worlds and see yourself but dont start with your wallet on first day (give chance for a month on each world without wallet)
    non-reboot got few $$$ gears hiden in lootbox and you wont find those in AH or normal trade ever
    reboot its time consuming mostly but lets you explore the game more and your 50$ can go to pets/cosmetic/fun

    alot has changed from pre-bb time casual play its dead without $$ and you got two options non-reboot and cash or reboot and alot time invested
  • BarfonwhalesBarfonwhales
    Reactions: 1,375
    Posts: 89
    edited December 2019
    WONDERGUY wrote: »
    HHG1 wrote: »
    Sounds like reg server would be a better fit for you since you like the trading aspect.
    I don't like having to rely on spending money for NX to get items that i NEED. i don't mind spending say $50 a month but i don't want items that i need to be gated by NX or merchanting items gated by nx as well. like i want to be able to farm mesos or items and sell them at a steady pace rather then gach or w.e. and sell those items.

    start both worlds and see yourself but dont start with your wallet on first day (give chance for a month on each world without wallet)
    non-reboot got few $$$ gears hiden in lootbox and you wont find those in AH or normal trade ever
    reboot its time consuming mostly but lets you explore the game more and your 50$ can go to pets/cosmetic/fun

    alot has changed from pre-bb time casual play its dead without $$ and you got two options non-reboot and cash or reboot and alot time invested

    i tried last night regular server on bera. it was fairly dead in hene compared to reboot. not to mention i looked at cash shop at future items i might want/need like cubes or w.e. and DAMN.. they are expensive as hell. so yea i think i might just stick with reboot. i dont think $50 in bera will suffice probably could spend more time grinding in reboot and get higher range over time to an extent.