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Re-request: Zero in Reboot

Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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edited November 2019 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
So the other, 2yr old, thread pleading for the Zero class to come to Reboot was locked for seemingly no reason after being bumped. The last acknowledgement I remember hearing about the topic was a MapleFest Q&A session where the response was "we'll look into it." And remembering the one time they accidentally allowed Zero to be made before wiping them in a soon-after maintenance, so it appears to be possible.
To be honest, I'm mostly just looking for a direct answer of if it's even being considered at the moment or not. I have friends that have quit the game but acknowledge that they would 100% return for Zero to be released. I'm enjoying the game right now but the needlessly exclusive class was so much fun to me when I played a regular server.
Before "KMS doesn't have so no" - we still have SW gear, Gollux, Kanna, Hayato, Beast Tamer, and Frenzy/Fury totem. We're not 100% in KMS footsteps and I just want this to be another exception.

Edit: Here is the previous thread referenced. I only include it because OP pleads his case and solutions more clearly than I am able to.


  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
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    edited November 2019
    It was locked because Nexon for whatever weird reason would rather lock threads that haven't been posted in for a few months than allow people to continue to use the old thread.
    Was it a post that added information/value to the thread? Maybe not. Did it show that people still care? Yes.
    In this case it was over a year, but point still stands. Moving on.

    The one time it happened? Oh no no. It's happened at least three times to date. If we're lucky, they might even do it again for this patch season.
    I don't think the "Let's add another GMS exclusive" is a good train of thought. Why wouldn't you advocate this be added to both KMS and GMS?
    This change would benefit both versions of the game the same. It would be a good change for all regions that have reboot.
    Reboot might not be popular in Korea, but it still exists and there are still people who play it. Why would you exclude them?
    Nexon seems to be going for more 1:1 features anyway, so I think moving forward asking for anything to be added to GMS exclusively hurts your odds.

    As someone who plays Maplestory almost exclusively for the story, it would be nice to not have to jump over to a reg server just to get Zero's story.
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
    Reactions: 1,410
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    edited November 2019
    Fuhreak wrote: »
    I don't think the "Let's add another GMS exclusive" is a good train of thought. Why wouldn't you advocate this be added to both KMS and GMS?
    This change would benefit both versions of the game the same. It would be a good change for all regions that have reboot.
    Reboot might not be popular in Korea, but it still exists and there are still people who play it. Why would you exclude them?
    Nexon seems to be going for more 1:1 features anyway, so I think moving forward asking for anything to be added to GMS exclusively hurts your odds.

    Maybe I phrased it poorly, I don't mean to exclude KMS from getting Zero. I say it more as a counterpoint to the "if it doesn't exist in KMS, it can't exist here" mentality. Of course it would be great if KMS could get this feature too (partially because it would guarantee it for us), but I feel like pleading for changes in KMS on the GMS request forums is about as effective as trying to yell the suggestion across the ocean to them. And I'm glad I missed the other times they were accidentally able to be created in Reboot, my heart can only break so many times.

  • Member, Private Tester Fuhreak
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    edited November 2019
    Kaprow wrote: »
    Maybe I phrased it poorly, I don't mean to exclude KMS from getting Zero. I say it more as a counterpoint to the "if it doesn't exist in KMS, it can't exist here" mentality.

    If we had a better management team and GMS wasn't in a tight spot, then yes. We absolutely have to be the ones to lead the charge on this one.
    GMS Reboot has the population that is lacking over in KMS. It's highly doubtful that the Development team will pay any attention to it for KMS.
    However if they're making the changes because of the GMS Reboot servers, then that's much more likely to happen.
    The problem is that GMS is probably seen as low priority as far as development goes.
    They're increasing the amount of value/effort they place on us, but we're still not at the "Get Zero into Reboot" levels that we need imo.
    As long as we keep criticism of Nexon mostly constructive and call them out on BS, I think eventually we'll get there.
  • Member Aggraphine
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    edited November 2019
    Kaprow wrote: »
    So the other, 2yr old, thread pleading for the Zero class to come to Reboot was locked for seemingly no reason after being bumped. The last acknowledgement I remember hearing about the topic was a MapleFest Q&A session where the response was "we'll look into it." And remembering the one time they accidentally allowed Zero to be made before wiping them in a soon-after maintenance, so it appears to be possible.
    To be honest, I'm mostly just looking for a direct answer of if it's even being considered at the moment or not. I have friends that have quit the game but acknowledge that they would 100% return for Zero to be released. I'm enjoying the game right now but the needlessly exclusive class was so much fun to me when I played a regular server.
    Before "KMS doesn't have so no" - we still have SW gear, Gollux, Kanna, Hayato, Beast Tamer, and Frenzy/Fury totem. We're not 100% in KMS footsteps and I just want this to be another exception.

    Edit: Here is the previous thread referenced. I only include it because OP pleads his case and solutions more clearly than I am able to.


    Well when the bump is almost a year-and-a-half later and adds nothing of tangible worth...

    It may be better, in the future, to do what you did here in the first place: make another thread and link back to the old one.
  • Member Arch_Alyssa
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    edited November 2019
    Just like your friend, i'm still waiting for Zero to come on Reboot to finally play my main class... Just doing some legion mules in the meantime with burning events or tera burning events. Until Zero comes, i'll be a very casual player.
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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    edited November 2019
    Aggraphine wrote: »
    Well when the bump is almost a year-and-a-half later and adds nothing of tangible worth...

    It may be better, in the future, to do what you did here in the first place: make another thread and link back to the old one.

    Maybe I'm in the minority but I feel like making an essentially clone thread clutters forums and is less valuable than bumping the original thread. There isn't much to add to that discussion besides a request for an update when we haven't gotten an official word on the topic for over a year.
  • Member, Private Tester ClawStaff
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    edited December 2019
    Yeah really wish we could get Zero in reboot already, can't they just like change the Lapiz Lazuli mechanic to apply to regular potential for Reboot if the fact that it's a bonus potential mechanic is only reason we can't get them on this world.
  • Member Petalmagic
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    edited December 2019
    As the OP of the previous Zero thread...ofc I want Zero still. The weapon system seems to be the glaring issue that keeps us from it :T Played on a Reg server for a change...enjoyed Zero enough I bruised my wrists from hyper key pressing. Unfortunately I have so much more in Reboot, my friends, my 7.4k legion, a main who can solo up to Lotus and Damien...and Zero isn't even considered a top-tier class by them darn DPS charts, I might change mains to Zero if it came to Reboot at the same level I might go back to Luminous if they buffed its teleport. Which will come first? No. clue.
  • Member Europa
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    edited December 2019
    re-bump. would like an offical nexon answer.
  • Member Arch_Alyssa
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    edited December 2019
    Add zero on reboot with this event!!
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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    edited February 2020
    Still not giving up, but just adding on to reply to a common anti-Zero response people have been giving me with my smegas. One of the reasons people are against is because cubing the weapons basically gives a free secondary of the same potential. So every other class has to cube their weapon and their secondary separately for 3L att/matt, but Zero only has to line those stars up once for double the benefit.

    First off, that would be a complaint against Zero as a class not just in Reboot. If anything it's harder to believe they allow this in regular servers, where you have to pay real $$$ to cube weapons. If it's acceptable to have a system like that where it costs real life money for this "shortcut", it should be acceptable for it to exist with a virtual currency.
    Second, Kanna exists. We can't pretend to care so much about balance when we're okay with having one class be so gamebreaking. Kanna has the biggest map coverage, great lines and damage, best support skills, and has Reboot's meta revolve entirely around it with Kishin. It doesn't make sense to leave something like that alone while drawing the line at one free duped potential.
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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    edited March 2020
    I want to comment that it's the same missed opportunity to have another crossover event featuring Re:Zero (via Isekai) and not featuring the Zero class alongside it. I don't want to give up on being able to play this class in the non-p2w server (if you can say that after Maple Tour's addition), but I only do daily/weekly bosses then log off anyway. Like a couple of my other friends, I think this class is the only thing that could pull us back into the game.

    I think it would be a good experiment at this point for how Nexon is changing Reboot's meta. Without being able to skip to endgame potentials in a couple days, or legendary hearts, or pottable badges, it would give us and Nexon a view of how progression goes in our current state. Food for thought.
  • Member TurtlesRock
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    edited March 2020
    There is no reason to not have zero in reboot at this point. All nexon has to do is fix up zero specifically for reboot.
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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    edited March 2020
    There is no reason to not have zero in reboot at this point. All nexon has to do is fix up zero specifically for reboot.

    Honestly, they could just release it as it was the few times Zero had been accidentally create-able during creation events for regular servers. Short of being entirely unable to reroll/tier up potential on the weapon (which is the entire reason they weren't added to Reboot afaik), there isn't a bug that would stop fans from training one up. Those slip-ups only showed that it's totally possible for them to work in Reboot - they just don't allow it for seemingly no reason.
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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    edited April 2020
    A couple weeks ago, there was a big skill balancing patch for KMS. I just wanted to express interest that I still want to play Zero in Reboot and these changes make me want it even more. As a side note, one of my friends who had quit said that the only things that would rope him back into the game is Zero or a fix for the 2pc meta - namely making Frenzy totems more accessible. Priorities though, would rather run the Zero for Reboot train first.
  • Member link37890
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    edited April 2020
    I've always been one of the crowd that wants Zero in Reboot. Leveling to 180 on non-zero classes even without buffs isn't necessarily that hard to do unless you only play a few hours a week. Buffed by Kishin and 2x? Or even burning? Not to mention most people should have a number of classes 180 or higher by now in Reboot. On top of still needing to play *other* classes for Link Skills and Legion. The only thing I'm seeing is their custom equipment upgrading system. Which could be restricted by the options above.
    I'd love to see them add Zero to Reboot for the Anniversary or some time soon after.
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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    edited April 2020
    Yeah, with so many leveling events and storm growth potions being given out the level restriction might as well not exist anymore. Still no official word on it, but as far as I know the problem is still in the equipment upgrading system. Even if they don't tie it to a big update or event like the anniversary (which they didn't) I would still be ecstatic if they just snuck it in randomly at any point.
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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    edited May 2020
    I'd like to point out this is a good opportunity to do something special to keep all the returning players in the game so it doesn't get dropped after quarantines start relaxing. Adele is expected to come to us some time in the server, but a small bump in between now and then could be implementing Zero for us.
  • Member, Private Tester Kaprow
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    edited August 2020

    Some of you may have heard, but for those unaware, Zero is coming to KMS Reboot so it will be slated to come to us - it's finally happening. Thank you for your hopes.
  • Member Arch_Alyssa
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    edited August 2020
    YES!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!! Main is on the way :)