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Closed Why are botters allowed to destroy merchants on AH
Commodities that are regularly merched are regularly crashed by botters flooding the market with endless amounts of stacks of illegally obtained items. why is this allowed? why does it go on for so long? I have lost like 20bil in inventory value in the past couple days from botters flooding auction house with items that I've been merching until they are worth almost nothing. why is this not stopped? now i have to wait a month for the price to recover, meanwhile I am broke and can no longer enjoy the game at all. why does nexon continue to allow this to happen?
you just got hit by karma basically
not inflating the value dude, the supply is so diluted because there are hundreds of thousands of illegal items going into the market
people quick sell, i just sop up the difference because im willing to wait a little while. are you some kind of communist?
cant believe you would defend botters. are you a botter?
I bet you have several thousand bottles of hand sanitizer hoarded somewhere too, don't you?
Yes. Clearly that is the case. You've solved the mystery, Scooby Doo. We all love the bots.
are you **** kidding me? the price wont drop across the board because someone quicksells every now and then, especially on stacked items that are consumed
learn how auction house and merching works, this is how many people make meso in maplestory
botter deteced
i suspect you're a botter
cant believe of all things people on the forums are anti merching instead of anti botter