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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
seriously? hackers still?
I have played maple on and off since 2006. Ended up taking a break after we all got sick of the nonstop "upgrades" (big bang and beyond) and hackers. I've come back to find hackers are still ruining the game. It's not hard to find - go to any channel in the Burnt Lands / Wood Masks / etc - every channel has hackers taking over the screen. What happened to having GM's wandering - reports actually making a difference. Just have a developer hop on - and check out those rooms for a start; then please for the love of Maple, Nexon - do something about it!
Oh wait.
1 million bots banned in the span of a week happened.
Nexon does stuff to fight it, Hackers do stuff to fight Nexon. Nothing new here.
Also as someone who has also played since the beginning, things (at least on reboot) aren't nearly as bad as they were "back in the day".
Is it even possible for Nexon to block an IP address? That's usually how most websites do it.
It's totally possible for them to block IP addresses. Why do you think people in other countries with their own version of the game can't connect here?
The problem, however, is that it's almost laughably easy to change your IP address.
I just hope they can come up with effective way without causing cancers to the normal playerbase like now. Those transparent, invisible rune keypresses during the grinding gives me anxiety, and no cooldown keypresses on harvesting gives me unbearable anger.