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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Maple tour seems cannot accumulate wages
I'm not sure whether it is intended, but no matter how many times I clear the dungeon, the wages keep to be the same as one clear. After I collect them (in advance), the wages are reset but still upper bounded by the wages I got from one clearance. This happens only after the maintenance today at 03/19/2020
Two runs is 50%, five runs is 20%, six runs is 16%
It looks like they set payday bonus = 100 / number_of_runs, rounded down to the nearest whole number.
When i go to collect in advance, tells me I'm going to get ~13 million.
Uncertain if it's a visual bug, but I'm not willing to bite that bullet.
We just applied a fix for this Maple Tour issue.
Your mesos will now accumulate after a Maple Tour dungeon clear.