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Can't leave the crimsonwood Cavern of pain

Reactions: 220
Posts: 14
edited March 2020 in Bug Reporting
Hello, enter the new level 150 mastery mission, move forward until you reach the "Crimsonwood Mountain - cavern of pain" map. I am in the middle of two portals and the one on the right sends me to the laboratory and it is only conversation, but if I go to the portal on the left, I am transferred to the same place in the same cave and there is no way out, I do not know if it is a bug or I can't find the way out, I've tried every possible way and it's impossible for me to leave. Please help me solve this problem.
ID: Firtzpatrick level 225


  • RareswordRaresword
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 6
    edited December 2019
    This is indeed a way to brick your character or softlock them in Cavern of pain forever, we need a fix FAST! Characters could get stuck here forever, the map of Cavern of pain needs some sort of escape npc to allow you to return to town, and we need it soon. otherwise, the portal on the left should be fixed to ask you if you want to return to town in this quest instance.

    My Dark knight is also stuck in this horrible quest loop. we go with npc, Becky, to the castle, we talk with the giant statue giving a stale for info, we then get sent to a lab, and the new nlc map afterwords, after that, becky says "I'll see you later" Your character says "I'm deaf in one ear for a while" once you progress this text to the next section, you get stuck in the loop. That box closing sends your character back to Cavern of pain, which is Ironic, cause it really does cause players pain. there does not appear to be any way to teleport out or talk to an npc to leave. It fully appears to softlock your character you are using, no cash shop, action house or Legion can be used, most other things, world map is disabled, even return to maple island is unusable.

    Dark Knight,
    ID: RareDn Level 223
    WORLD: Scania

    EDIT: I'm no longer stuck, thanks Support team for a speedy Escape act!
  • LetsgoHarukoLetsgoHaruko
    Reactions: 900
    Posts: 2
    edited January 2020
    Upon accepting the quest line for the new NLC content, reaching the cutscene involving Becky leads the character to loop back to the crimsonwood mountain Cavern of pain. Portal on the left will send the player immediately back to the cavern of pain while the portal next to Becky will send through the quest line up until reaching dr. Jang. After the cutscene completes the player is then put back in the cavern of pain with no way to escape by either the use of a return Town scroll or hyper teleport Rock usage. Attempts with the guide for player level also will not work.

    Character: viHarukoiv
    Server: Bera
    Class: Shade lvl 250
  • SugarLoverSugarLover
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 2
    edited March 2020
    Please help! My MC is also stuck in this map with no apparent way of going back.
  • SugarLoverSugarLover
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 2
    edited March 2020
    Help please! I am also stuck in the same situation.
    Blaze Wizard,
    ID: Minolia Level 204
    World: Scania
  • JPlayerKJPlayerK
    Reactions: 200
    Post: 1
    edited March 2020
    Bug type: Infinite loop

    I started the lvl150 masteria quest and after talking with becky, I'm stuck in a loop.
    I can't leave 'Crimsonwood Mountain Cavern of Pain'
    I can't do anything in there.

    Character name: TigressWood

    Character level: 197

    Character job: Hoyoung

    World name: Reboot

    Date and time of the incident: 3/14/2020 6:43PM CST
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
    Posts: 6,342
    Member, Private Tester
    edited March 2020
    Please contact Customer Support at http://support-maplestory.nexon.net to get teleported out of the map.
  • abubakr135597abubakr135597
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited April 2020
    my character is stuck after doing quest 'becky' area and i can't go back to town or leave the current area,
    please let me know if there's a solution to this or how to finish this quest.
    character: patoX0001X , Fire/poison lv224.
  • abubakr135597abubakr135597
    Reactions: 200
    Posts: 2
    edited March 2020
    hello i need help with my personality i am stuck on a quest becky, i cant get out of wanting a special please solution
    personal my patoX0001X Fire poison LVL224

  • KhoiFishiKhoiFishi
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Help! I am stuck in Crimsonwood Mountain - Cavern of Pain on the level 150 questline. There is an infinite loop where there are 2 portals. One of the portals leads directly inbetween the two portals, and the other starts a conversation which leads back to the same portal.

    Character name: KhoiFishi

    Character Level: 166

    Character Job: Pathfinder

    World: Reboot

    Date of Incident: 03/27/2020
  • Brian66Brian66
    Reactions: 100
    edited April 2020
    Bug type : Infinite loop in Masteria Prequest

    Summary : Once you are in the cave with the NPC Becky you cannot leave on the portal to the left as it takes you back to the same spot and if you go to the portal in the right it replays the same cutscene again and returns you to the same spot once it's over. You cannot teleport out with any scrolls, maple guide, or teleport rock. You also cannot access the cash shop or auction house.


    Incident happened around 3:15-3:30PM pacific on 4/7/2020