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Lower graphic settings reduce performance

Reactions: 1,460
Posts: 59
edited October 2017 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: Performance
Brief bug summary: Setting the graphic settings to "lowest" makes the game run at lower FPS and increases the CPU usage of the game.
More details: It's more noticeable for players with 120hz/144hz monitors.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Get an FPS monitoring program. FRAPS works for this
2. Enter Alishan - I personally get 30 FPS there at highest settings (1366x768) with an i7 3770 CPU, your results may be lower or higher, according to your CPU and your monitor's refresh rate.

3. Reduce the graphic settings to "lowest" and notice the much lower FPS.

Character name: Irrelevant.
Character level: Irrelevant.
Character job: Irrelevant.
World name: Irrelevant.
Date and time of the incident: Irrelevant.


  • PhantomMasterThiefPhantomMasterThief
    Reactions: 3,195
    Posts: 480
    Member, Private Tester
    edited October 2017
    isn't setting it to lower supposed to increase the fps.?

    Nexon Logic i guess.. :P
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited October 2017
    Interesting. I wonder what could be causing that?
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited October 2017
    Interesting. I wonder what could be causing that?

    My guess is that the map elements (sprites) are stored in high quality. To generate the low-quality pictures the CPU actually has to go over them and blur them before sending them to the GPU to display.

    You ask yourself: then why does the game even offer lower quality graphics?
    It might have, in the past, been useful for computers with weak GPUs or low amounts of graphic memory.
    With modern computers and with the way Maple's code has gone, the CPU is much more of a bottleneck than the GPU for most users, so lowering graphic quality is useless for them.
  • ManiOhManiOh
    Reactions: 2,155
    Posts: 218
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    edited October 2017
    OMG know it ....... i noticed this lately more and more

    you can notice this more when you go for example CC or other map
    takes a bit longer at lower then on max to load and land woooow

    AKradian wrote: »
    Interesting. I wonder what could be causing that?

    My guess is that the map elements (sprites) are stored in high quality. To generate the low-quality pictures the CPU actually has to go over them and blur them before sending them to the GPU to display.

    You ask yourself: then why does the game even offer lower quality graphics?
    It might have, in the past, been useful for computers with weak GPUs or low amounts of graphic memory.
    With modern computers and with the way Maple's code has gone, the CPU is much more of a bottleneck than the GPU for most users, so lowering graphic quality is useless for them.

    nexon codeing ... this is bad
    the low background/effects should be less data/files/pixels loaded that makes blur not a "fake" blur wooow
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited October 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Interesting. I wonder what could be causing that?

    My guess is that the map elements (sprites) are stored in high quality. To generate the low-quality pictures the CPU actually has to go over them and blur them before sending them to the GPU to display.

    You ask yourself: then why does the game even offer lower quality graphics?
    It might have, in the past, been useful for computers with weak GPUs or low amounts of graphic memory.
    With modern computers and with the way Maple's code has gone, the CPU is much more of a bottleneck than the GPU for most users, so lowering graphic quality is useless for them.

    So just another outdated thing they haven't removed then? The game needs a good cleaning. . .
  • shavitshavit
    Reactions: 1,460
    Posts: 59
    edited October 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Interesting. I wonder what could be causing that?

    My guess is that the map elements (sprites) are stored in high quality. To generate the low-quality pictures the CPU actually has to go over them and blur them before sending them to the GPU to display.

    You ask yourself: then why does the game even offer lower quality graphics?
    It might have, in the past, been useful for computers with weak GPUs or low amounts of graphic memory.
    With modern computers and with the way Maple's code has gone, the CPU is much more of a bottleneck than the GPU for most users, so lowering graphic quality is useless for them.

    100% correct. The game uses less graphics memory but more CPU because it downscales the resolution of all the sprites at runtime.
    However nowadays MapleStory is an unoptimized mess of a CPU hog therefore it doesn't work that well.
  • microwavemicrowave
    Reactions: 425
    Posts: 22
    edited March 2020
    ... practically 3 years .. and this problem continue to today ..... and nexon not fix this
  • ThumperOne1ThumperOne1
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 11
    edited March 2020
    microwave wrote: »
    ... practically 3 years .. and this problem continue to today ..... and nexon not fix this

    think blackcipher is the problem to today in the game ..cheking olds forums found where open your task manager and look for Blackcipher, you will notice that Blackcipher takes up to 50% or more CPU usage whenever you experienced a lag spike. crash , dc , bans falses for prevent this things, click "Show Processes from all users" so that you can change the priority and affinity of the Blackcipher. Set the priority to low and allow the Blackcipher to only run in 1 out of 4 CPU (or the total number of CPU your PC have) under affinity , but doesn't help much why too maplestory.exe in the task manager have a problem of high performance in cpu too raising out of normal to 100% causing here too lag spikes and lag freezes , Its really ruining the gameplay in many people , and Nexon's didn't do a dang thing . i have 3 cpu a cpu normal where maplestory is unplayable by the use elevate of use of cpu by ms.exe and blackcipher , my other 2 cpu of a cost of 2200 $ and 2400$ this perfect but whit the time months or years to more memory and bad uptades in this 2 problems will have to buy a cpu of 3000 $ to more ... i just hope the technical staff fixes this problem at once