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Lag in Elysium

Member xxHorntailxx
Reactions: 1,860
Posts: 257
edited April 2020 in General Chat
Ever since everyone has come home because COVID-19 after the maintenance, the servers were lagging so bad that we couldn't clear all the hard bosses last night. I'm in Elysium server. A lot of people have been lagging lately. I'm not sure about other servers, I've asked the guys in reboot, and they don't seem to find any problems with theirs. I'm gonna safely assume Bera is also struggling with that too. Obviously not happy.


  • Member AriesDRX
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 55
    edited April 2020
    Ever since the last maintenance there's been an usual amount of lag in Elysium. Especially during bosses and while training. I'm not the only one experiencing this. The members in my bossing party have also noticed this lag, and other players as well have noticed this increased lag. Our parties have a 100% clear rate of these certain bosses, and because of this lag sometimes we are failing. Other people are having a hard time training or bossing as well.

    Was the bandwidth in Elysium decreased or something?

  • Member innncg
    Reactions: 555
    Posts: 19
    edited April 2020
    I can confirm Elysium is extremely laggy when bossing and training. I think your point is right that NA nexon has undercut the bandwidth of Elysium and gives to server with more population like bera though I have no evidence.
  • Member KaiserKY
    Reactions: 930
    Posts: 17
    edited April 2020
    yea this lag is only within bosses. it seem like the more people in the party the more it start lagging.
    seem like its only elysium server.
  • Member AriesDRX
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 55
    edited April 2020
    As of today Elysium still lags bad when doing end game bosses with a party. In towns and most maps there's no lag, but for most people it's still lagging mainly in end game bosses.
  • Member innncg
    Reactions: 555
    Posts: 19
    edited April 2020
    Lag still exists in Elysium. Especially when u have six man party.
  • Member KaiserKY
    Reactions: 930
    Posts: 17
    edited April 2020
    can confirm that elysium still lag during bosses
  • Member tjgus
    Reactions: 220
    Posts: 2
    Lag has been getting really bad for a week now in Elysium and nothing has been done or said from Nexon. Even when we send a ticket it's either we see no problem on our end or we will look into it. It looks like only Elysium is experiencing this too. Generally, it's fine in towns and moving around, but bossing has been ridiculous.
  • Member Unfortunat3
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 5
    Lag is getting really bad in the end-game bosses. You could experience minor lags while training, but it gets ridiculous laggy in those bosses. I have filed a report through player support, yet I have only get answers that turns me into the FAQ section or there is no problem on their side. The LAG is evidently there.
  • Member Koen
    Reactions: 570
    Posts: 10
    Elysium player here, made an account just to affirm that the lag has grown significantly when bossing in a party of 4-6 members.

    My first registered mention of this lag is on Saturday March the 28th, 2020. My bossing squad clears hLucid and hWill in matter of minutes, usually with zero or one deaths, but with this lag some people get close to dying out due to being frozen for 10 to 20 seconds at a time.
    Skills can't get cast, bosses freeze, desyncs happen between party members (one member registered Lucid's lasers, the other member registered Lucid's clockwise touch attack); it has basically made endgame bossing in Elysium near impossible.

    See gif below for an example:
  • Member SeaOleena
    Reactions: 510
    Posts: 2
    edited April 2020
    Hello. I am an Elysium player and I would like to report that server lag has increased GREATLY since the start of CoronaVirus (Covid-19) and the recent game updates. I only run bosses with 4 people but even then all 4 of us have periods of 5-20 seconds where we are frozen in place and some players even disconnect. For the past 3 weeks running hard bosses hasnt been the same. Each boss lags and theres nothing we can seem to do to fix the problem. The lag is most certainly not on my end as my hardware is brand new and MapleStory isnt extreme enough to weigh down an RTX-2080 graphics card. I never seem to have any lag issues in a town but when i boss with other players and train where there are people in my map I experience server lag. Is there anything that can be done to address this issue? Its been going on for weeks now.

    :edit: If any further proof is needed I have bossing VODs posted on twitch that will show the lag. (In some cases you can even see two lucids at once O_O)
  • Member KaiserKY
    Reactions: 930
    Posts: 17
    edited April 2020
    still happening after minor patch.
  • Member Koen
    Reactions: 570
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2020
    Lag got worse after the minor patch just now. We tried a quick practice mode hLotus run to test the waters.
    Lasers were basically a slideshow presentation, debris didn't fall normally. Phase two laser attacked before the platform fell. I left before reaching phase 3 because I couldn't use any attacks anymore and everything was frozen in place.
  • Member Acadial
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    Hello, I'm also an elysium player and I also experience lots of lag during bossing like everyone else in the server says when in a party with other people. I just did a run against normal will with some friends and there were moments where the game wouldn't let me do anything for upwards to 20 seconds long. I've never had a problem with it before everyone started saying they were having issues with it as I can run any other game just fine so I also know it's not my net.
  • Member Tamirelia
    Reactions: 1,335
    Posts: 41
    edited April 2020
    Also an Elysium player, also experiencing a ton of lag in bosses. My party doesn't even do hard lotus anymore since we know it's just gonna screw us over.
  • Member AriesDRX
    Reactions: 940
    Posts: 55
    edited April 2020
    The lag is still happening after the maintenance

    The lag seems to be associated with the number of players in your party. Killing a boss solo isn't too bad, but once you go inside the boss chamber with someone else the lag starts to get worse as you add on more players. This is NOT frame rate lag due to skill usage. This is not individual players having internet connectivity issues because this was not happening before. It IS definitely client/server related lag because the screen isn't frozen or skips. The boss stops attacking, everyone else around you stops moving, and nothing is registering, you cannot use any skills.

    It's the same effect as if you just momentarily disconnected yourself from the internet while attacking a boss, and reconnect.

    It'd be great if a Nexon employee or a VFM can confirm they are aware of this problem.

    Nexon, be responsible and at least tell us you're aware of the issue instead of having everyone wonder if this problem has been acknowledged or not, while you figure it out.
  • Member Koen
    Reactions: 570
    Posts: 10
    edited April 2020
    It's been over two weeks without any word from Nexon about this issue that makes Elysium almost unplayable.
    Since the last update it has become even worse. My bossing squad just failed five Will segments because the lag hindered the tests.
  • Member Unfortunat3
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 5
    edited April 2020
    Nexon pls notice this and fix this ASAP. Has been occuring for the past few weeks. Even more, the minor patch makes it even worse.
  • Member xxHorntailxx
    Reactions: 1,860
    Posts: 257
    edited April 2020
    tonight was soooo bad, come on!
  • Member innncg
    Reactions: 555
    Posts: 19
    edited April 2020
    I do not know if you are working on it or not. However, if this issue is aware by nexon, please at least say something about the lag issue in public.
  • Member Aggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited April 2020
    Just merge all the non-reboot worlds together. What could possibly go wrong? It'd clearly benefit everyone.
