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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I was banned on Christmas from on 2018 and I had tried to contact the GM multiple times. This is due to the DC bug which Nexon was banning multiple people. I had realized that I was suspended from the ticket system for attempting to contest this. Now that the Corona virus outbreak has me under quarantine I wanted to see if I could potentially regain access to my account. I am not a hacker and I have never hacked before. It took me about 5 months to reach level 160. I can't help but suspect that my ticket was completely ignored and my account was just suspended for sending in too many tickets, without realizing that I was sending in a new ticket under different circumstances.
Please take another look at my case or give me notice because I would really like to play on my 5-year old account during quarantine.
I can't access support because It's suspended me