So the Familiar update dropped, It's been 1 day, and everything we already knew that was going to be a problem.... stayed.
Every Field Boss still has their dismally low Familiar drop rate, When in the Badge system it looks like It wants to be similar to the CODEX CARDS which drop on EVERY Field boss kill. This becomes insane when almost half the badges require a Field Boss, with insanely low drop rate of it's card and some of them respawn every 6/12/24/48 hours - Looking at you Ninja Castle.
Not even mentioning the distorted way the familiars are now skewed towards. People are farming low level familiars because their drop their cards, even epic level, like candy but if you wanted the LOOKS from some mob in Future Henesys, It's drop rate is closer to 1/hr. By the way you need 50/100/150 to even TRY to tier up that familiar that only drops 1/hr, where as the Epic level 17 monster has already dropped 300+ in that 1 hr.
Then to top it off, you roll LOW on the mob, you just grinded for, you low rolled, HARD. It's at 2 defense, Drains your Summon gauge like crazy and you have to start over from Square One.
That's not even the kicker. The pot lines of the familiar reroll on upgrade. So not only will you be doing all this grinding, Grinding for a decent amount of defense because someone decided to bring back Randomized stats that KMS got RID OF A LONG TIME AGO WITH THE PROFESSION REVAMP . You now have to grind for Familiar Potential Lines.
There's just straight up WAY to much RNG in this current system. It's definitely not thought out in any way that allows players to customize or enjoy the new system.
Instead people are either grinding the candy drop rates of low level familiars for points and rank ups, or grinding Castle golems cause they get the Unique lines right away to know what to Invest in.
My point is the Familiar System needs to change. For one the drop rate needs to be improved and standardized so that it can now also be akin to Fashionstory, where you pick your familiar based on looks and you go from their. You should be either rerolling your familiar for best defense, or for it's pot lines. That fact that it has to be for both, and that most familiars out side of level 30 have terrible drop rate is a terrible injustice to both the players and the old Codex System.
Changes I would like to see:
-Normalize/standardize Defense rates
-Buff to familiar card drop rate, drop rate of all familiar cards no longer cares about level
-Give us a massive meso/RP sink for rerolling lines (Doesn't have to be both #1 or #3, just one of them)
-Massively Buff Field boss card drop rates
An argument against this would be "But if it's Fashion story and then how would nexon make money off this"
-People will still want level 7 Familiars
-People will still want BOSS familiars (Legendary Pack should have been used for this)
-Booster Pack for mobs we can't normal get/no longer exist. (Although we should fix the Badge Requirements for monsters that no longer exist)
After these changes, what's the point of Faux Familiars?
-There's really not even a point to them now, cause Familiar Fashionstory is dead
-Field Bosses/Impossible to Acquire monsters

Familiar system has some good aspects, but overall is a net negative for the players.
Gollux was a huge failure. All they need to do was add in restocking to the shop and call it a day.
I'm honestly impressed that nexon can continue to fail so hard.
So the changes I want to see are:
*Update drop tables to include familiars for monsters that currently do not drop them.
*Decrease the prices for the familiar point shop or increase the points obtained when extracting familiars.
*Increase the familiar drop rate since this new system encourages players to fuse and extract familiars. There is virtually no difference between a low level monster and high level monster besides aesthetics. So why make familiars of high level monsters so difficult to obtain?
And both of those are Overseas Maple content, not KMS. Its someone in SEA, JMS or Global messing up royally.
-Field Bosses should just be 100% if you don't have it yet
-Remove unobtainable cards / pack only cards from Badge sets
Or at the very least add familiar packs to cash shop for mesos / reward points