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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Maple tour wages calculation
When you get into MNN Broadcast station and checking the accumulated wages at Lulu Spinel, you only get to see half of the sum.
You get what you see if you get your pay early, it is doubled when you wait.
Bug type: Typo
Brief bug summary: Maple tour's check accumulated wages text is slightly misleading.
More details: When you talk to the npc Lulu Spinel and choose the option Check your accumulated wages, the text will say
"You'll receive 100% of your accumulated wages if you wait until (date) to collect your paycheck!" Then it will tell you your accumulated wages which is the 50% value.
What it currently says is you'll receive 100% of for example 300,000,000(the 50% value) and that means the text implies you still only get 300,000,000 at the 7th day.
The 100% in the sentence and at the "payday pay rate:" should say double or +100%. This would properly tell players that they will receive double the accumulated wages.
World name: Reboot na
Date and time of the incident: 5/1/2020 12:15 est.