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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Red Familiar Card Temporarily Removed 4/24
Hello Maplers,
Due to the recent issue where Familiar progress would get lost, we are temporarily disabling the Red Familiar Card from the Cash Shop.
Please note that we are still in the process of investigating players' accounts that lost Familiar data.
what's a rollback?
Where you delete all saved data in a certain time span and reload an older save point, so in this case deleting everything from April 23 to present.
Made wolfunderling, a previously marvel machine exclusive, familiar which was quite valuable in the eyes of MANY players into being a useless codex entry....
Then you made the rigged system of whomever pays for it gets it (jr.boogie abuse) just so a level 5 player can get TWICE THE EFFECT for free...
So... how much are you paying for this misdoing? Will you erase it? Replace it? Compensate with tens of thousands or NX? This whole system is glitched and not to speak about how the recent patch made sure that ONLY players with high drop rate will get the BASIC OF BASICS let alone the end game sets.
My heart is broken.
Not to mention, the crude reasoning, or maybe the lack of one at all, behind placing a PIN to get into our own storage or the Node system in game. What benefit did anyone get out of that? If you think it's a safety mechanism to prevent people (hackers) from stealing stuff out of the storage unit after logging into someone else's account, guess again... it's the same PIN we use to log into the account to begin with!
How about you start with polls from the players to see what the consensus is when it comes to what the customers want to see in the future of the game.. before you make your changes? I can guarantee you that the folks that have invested in this game will provide their inputs. That may save a lot of heartache and possibly adding more reasons to people wanting to quit the game.
before this revamp level 100+ monsters heck level 50+ monsters RARELY dropped familiar cards. i can name hundreds of monsters that i have NEVER seen a familar card for which has lead me to believe they do not even actually drop.
based on what i had seen. we have to farm whole sets of familiars to get set effects but AFAIK alot of the monsters i saw listed i have never seen anyone posses.
you guys have to REALLY consider the drop rate when you literally removed the codex and dropped this nonsense as a replacement that nobody really was asking for..
the game still needs a heavy amount of QoL fixes honestly i could type for hours about issues with the game..
at least they are doing something about this familar system. i hope they just do not open it with absurd drop rates on familars.
Not to mention that there will be absolutely no way for players (the non paying ones anyways) to even complete any badges with a boss in the set. They rarely (if ever) dropped a familiar card before revamp and have no confirmed drops as of now.