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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I'm so furious.
Finally, FINALLY after working a full time job and raising my kids have I allowed myself the delight to visit Maplestory again. It had been 2 years since I last logged in - but you know with this whole coronavirus situation maybe this was a chance to let loose a bit. I was starting to look on the bright side of things.
I log in to my lv 217 Hero, who eagerly awaited me with its bright smile and among other things an incomplete gollux set. The first thing I did was decide to continue where I left off , only to find that this pathetic excuse for a revamp has made it nigh impossible for a mid-game player to kill gollux and obtain the necessary gear I need to progress further.
I can BARELY put up with the required 10 days to get CRA gear for my new chars, I can BARELY deal with the fact that every boss now is only 1 entry per day. But that's the line Nexon. And I am so FUNTOOKING TIRED OF TIME-GATED CONTENT. PERIOD. STOP ADDING IT.
This revamp was pointless, and it served as NO benefit to anyone. But oh boy! Let me tell you it's really great that people who already have a full gollux set/ghost ship emblem now have an unfair advantage! Doesn't that make things so much easier for every one!
Nobody likes time gated content - and if you disagree then shut the hell up you freak. It is NOT necessary, maplestory was a **** marvelous game before these features were added. There are dozens of successful MMOs that don't have time-gated content and you know why their players stay? because there are things the players want to do like hmm I don't know experience the game.
Please Nexon. Make this bloody game worth playing, I like putting in countless hours towards things, and I DON'T like spreading my countless hours over 3 months. Add a bit of chance to your game, and for heavens sake add more end game equipment with new ways to obtain them.
Also, gollux has always been a time-gate. One clear per day and if you didn't get a superior drop well then sucks to suck.
I hope to god you don't actually have kids with this attitude. Are you going to tell your kid(s) to shut the hell up and call them freaks for disagreeing with you too? If you act the same way toward them that you do toward a video game, your children will grow up resenting you, and will undoubtedly gripe about you at length to anyone who they feel they can confide in, be it a friend of theirs or under the anonymity of the internet.
This revamp was botched, but now you're guaranteed a superior item if you can get the coins for it. Don't even have to do hellux. If you can do CRA, farm hardlux. Hardlux/CRA is definitely doable without GSE or sup gollux gear.
I'm pretty sure time gated content is part of the MMO experience/grind. Plus gollux now has a guaranteed way to get superior items after a month instead of waiting for months on end to get lucky and have them drop.
"Stop having different opinions from me"
Same thing in other words:
Bam, timegate removed. People would burn through content. And when you're done there is nothing left to do. So you just leave Maplestory and come back later for more content. People still do that but for different reasons like burnout. The game would be emptier than before. You log in and wonder what is there left to do, since you've done everything. There is no daily things to work towards to. To fulfill your list of chores for the day that brings order and steady progress towards desired goal. So you log off and play another game. No more Maplestory.
Excuse me for having a different opinion, suppose I'm a freak now. I've been always isolated anyways so it doesn't really matter.
A great example of this is ms2. You were given 30 dungeon clear rewards per week(15 per day), people would blast through all 30 in the first two days after weekly reset. They added, for a time, a button to reset dungeon clears, effectively 30 -> 60, and all that accomplished was people blowing through 60 dungeon clears in four days instead of 30 in two. Pre-button, people cried about not having enough to do; post-button they still did.
You will never, from a development perspective, keep pace with players clearing/completing content.
Secondly, I'm in reboot - and I proudly play solo, i.e. not in guilds. It's how I like to play and I don't see why I should have to be leeched to clear content. I absolutely refuse to do so and it's sad that that's what's needed to do to progress.
Hah! Why the hell would we want players to CLEAR the content we have released, isn't that insanity?! And FFS don't tell me it's impossible to do a simple back of the envelope calculation to find out how many average entries it would take to get a specific item drop and stretch it over the same time period. At least there's a CHANCE I can get what I need, that's good enough to wet my tongue.
I would much rather have a 1 in 1000 drop chance from a boss that I could clear at any time (and takes me an 30 minutes to kill) then be forced to spend a month assigning half an hour of my life every day straight.
It's a cheap low-effort way to get players to stay in the game. FURTHERMORE, are we just completely ignoring the fact that now there's a massive player gap with those who have gollux set/ghost ship badge and those who don't? This is funtooking ridiculous and whoever is in charge of game-balancing should be sacked.
I have a bloody excorcist badge and I'm STILL pissed that this exists!
Two problems: 1) regardless of what misguided, asinine thoughts or opinions you have on the matter, having a healthy work-life balance does not come secondary to whatever short-sighted desires you have. And 2) when you start demanding more of developers, everything starts to suffer. Events will become even more bland and unoriginal, content will feel disjointed and there will be a speed bump almost between content that is cohesive and flows well and jank overworked last-minute rush jobs.
You don't need to beg for carries, you can play solo all you want. Cube your boss accessories/SW accessories and event rings/kanna ring/meister ring until you can clear Gollux. It's that simple. Boss accessories have better flames too, you'll be just fine. Make them into drop/meso accessories once you get the end-game set.
How do you think the first CRA clears happened in Reboot? It wasn't by people wearing CRA gear, that's for sure. They cubed non-BiS gear in order to reach BiS. Nobody carried them. It was never a necessity.
Let me also remind you that this change to a higher coin cost with the shop resetting weekly now can be entirely attributed to the issues Reboot players have had with booming Gollux accessories and not being able to obtain them again. If Nexon wants to make coins more time-gated in return for that, then that's fair. This revamp does have benefits.
Gollux is now also heavily tied to the newest BiS ring from Phantom Forest, and the enhancement of it, making that more achievable.
Time-gated content with a clear end-goal of x amount of coins is ultimately more rewarding than time-gated content that is entirely RNG based and the things that you could buy would need to be capped at 17 stars. If anything, players want less chance-based content.
Just wait until you're trying to get Arcane gear on Reboot, or until you run truly end-game bosses hoping for that dark boss accessory to drop and that it's your turn to loot. For years. Ask me how wet my tongue is after running hdamien+hlotus+hlucid+hwill for maybe a total of only 1.5 hours per week knowing there's a CHANCE to get an end-game item from any of them. Ask me if I still feel motivated to aim for the set even if I can clear the content.
Well, yeah? Nexon wants people to stay on the grind and since it's end-game gear it will work. Are you new to f2p games? Have you not already seen the amount of dailies we have?
I don't see how badges fit in your argument against time-gated content, as the Gollux set is still very much obtainable and is not a legacy item in any way. They have nothing in common. Getting a potable badge when it was available was barely a 1-hour effort. A week or two during Sengoku events. Neither had any significant amount of RNG involved, as opposed to old Gollux.
Regardless, there will always be legacy items. Event items come and go, content comes and goes.
There is no Gollux gap though, other than you comparing yourself to people who were playing actively during the 2 years that you were inactive and comparing yourself to people who don't choose the solo life. You have the exact same prospects of getting Gollux gear as anyone else currently playing.
Honestly though, if you don't have the time then maybe Reboot isn't the server for you. Especially not if you're going for solo end-game.
I agree with what Agg. is saying, but it's hilariously ironic since as a casual browser of this forum for the past few years the most toxic and pessimistic person I've noticed is normally Agg lmao. Teapot calling the kettle black.
Anyway, sorry OP but time gated content is the bread and butter of this subpar game. Reboot is probably not the server for you. I do think they should develop content that does not simply require hours of play but rather skill. Unfortunately KMS doesn't care because what they've been doing works for their player base and GMS players are second class citizens. Very little is optimized for us and since Gollux is not in KMS they're not going to do much more about it. They took several years to even do this much to him.
It's the bread and butter of practically every mmo. Even RNG drops(old gollux) is a form of time-gating, albeit a really awful one. If you don't artificially(daily caps) restrict access to content or its rewards, you'll have players blasting through it in a matter of days or even hours. And as much as people would like to complain about this, it simply does not mesh in any cohesive sense with development cycles. And as I said before, overworking developers will only lead to more bland and unengaging content.
And as much as people want to cry about how they're now expected to run gollux for a month or more to get 700 coins per superior accessory, it was commonplace to hear complaints of running hellux for weeks, whole months even, without a single superior drop. So this new system, in my opinion, is a significant improvement over the old due to the diligence backstop(all accessories available via coin shop) that was introduced.
i agree! i think the gollux revamp is a huge improvement on the older system and the points you're making are really important for people to consider (re: development cycles and the issues with the older system)
There are plenty of bosses in which people get "carried" but Gollux (which most people consider to be a daily) is singled out for some reason.
People couldn't star their superior rings or earrings in Reboot because if they exploded then their superior gollux items were just gone. People also spent months trying to get superior pendant as a drop. This guarantees the pendant in at least a month.