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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Which to play first (unfunded)? Hero vs TB
I have played both until 4th job and really enjoyed both. I like how simple heroes are, but I also enjoy the speed and combos TB can do as well. I am having a hard time deciding which class to main (first at least). I think I will play both to prevent burn out but for now, which class is best unfunded to get me to a funded state? At what level would be a "funded state"?
From what I understand, mobbing is better on TB but Heroes are better at bossing? Does that matter?
Thanks for future replies, I feel stuck as I am unsure of which direction to proceed.
From bossing Heroes do get the upper hand in survival and damage. Haven't bossed much with either but Thunder Breakers having to jump and move a lot can put them in bad positions, and with bosses being the one hit kill kind nowadays that's something to keep in mind.
Bossing does matter as its the best way to get funded, boss equips are the best equips in the game. Heroes do have a better set to do bossing than TBs but in the end it will depend on what are you most comfortable with.
My vote in the end goes with TBs because I don't like how clunky Heroes feel to play.
Thanks! I enjoy them both and I don't mind the clunky feel of Heroes. I will eventually play both but right now as a beginner I need to just get funded. Thanks again!