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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Which type of weapon for a level 200+ Paladin?
I am currently level 220, using a 1H sword and a secondary weapon.
I use 1H because it gives me more star force & potential slots. Is that a logical choice?
I assume that 2H does more damage, but is slower - but that's just a gut feeling (as is my gut feeling that Nexon are unlikely to allow either a 1H or 2H to be "better", so I guess that there are trade-offs).
I use a sword, as opposed to a blunt weapon because ... I don't know any better ... ?
Can someone tell me in plain English, not too technical, which is better for a funded pally who never PQs, only solos?
If there is no real difference, then maybe I should just use whatever is cheaper in the auction house F2
Buy a terminus defender star it to high heaven cube it for att% and be a tanky boi!!!
I still don't understand speed. I mean, I know what the English word means, but my speed is 136%, and I don;t have any feel for what +1 would mean :-/
About Terminus Defender: I was using a Timeless Kite Shield, but now use a secondary weapon (sacred rosary), only because the shield was Epic, but I got the secondary to Legendary F2
I got great M.Att stats on my I/L mage's VIP shield, so maybe I should go for that with my pally?
Attack speed is a separate number compared to speed. Speed controls how fast your character walks—largely unimportant—while attack speed controls how fast your character hits.
One-handed swords hit faster than two-handed swords, which allows them to deal more damage (in addition to being able to equip a shield, which can have stars added and therefore grants more bonuses than a Rosary. The tradeoff to this is that two-handed swords have a higher attack multiplier, which increases your damage directly.
But ultimately the choice is up to you. Going for the cheaper option in the auction house is probably a good choice regardless of what you wind up with.