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Acknowledge the recent crashes

Reactions: 570
Posts: 10
edited May 2020 in General Chat
Dear Nexon, I think it's about time you address the massive amount of crashes happening every few minutes. My voice chats & buddy chats are filled with nothing but rage and annoyance caused by the frequent crashing.

I understand you can't just pull out a solution out of your magic hat, but by ignoring it altogether you're giving every single player a huge middle finger.
NaM_________Yuniorweiming4399ProphetieNebulSotaSamsonbazzyZerosBlackPhoEnthusiastHuskyDMand 4 others.


  • YuniorYunior
    Reactions: 1,575
    Posts: 53
    edited May 2020
    Absolutely with you on this one brother. Nexon, it’s time to get your act together. I will be sending a ticket, and advising my buddies to do so aswell. It’s time to fix this, it’s been a week of ill advised lag and bots everywhere. Fix it please.
  • weiming4399weiming4399
    Reactions: 100
    Post: 1
    edited May 2020
    Dear Nexon, please fix the botting issue that has caused me to lose over days worth of 2x Exp coupons. If this is what Nexon thinks about how they should treat players, you are no better than EA; you might just be worse.
  • AngryAngelAngryAngel
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 53
    edited May 2020
    Random crashes and constant lag have indeed been serious issues for quite a while now, making the game nearly unplayable at times for many players. Entire channels go down on a regular basis still, and not only does the game crash back to the world select screen but also the entire client will close upon dc-ing. Even an acknowledgement of the problem would go a long way because at least we would know that it's being looked into.
  • PhoEnthusiastPhoEnthusiast
    Reactions: 530
    Post: 1
    edited May 2020
    To Nexon,

    I agree with the above statements made by my fellow Maplers. For the past month, the server stability in Elyisum has been deplorable. I am a very avid player, and the days in which I have gone without disconnecting have been few and far between. From grinding to training to bossing, the lag is incessant. Even if I'm just alone by myself in the map, I find myself lagging intermittently, and the crashes happen frequently. When I'm in a boss run, we have had multiple instances of 10+ second lag spikes, and I have had multiple runs where at least one or more of my party members end up crashing during our run. As I stated before , this has been a LONG TERM ongoing issue that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

    The incompetence displayed has been very disappointing. There has been zero acknowledgement from anyone from the Nexon team regarding these issues in Elysium. I have read multiple threads regarding this topic, and the Nexon team hasn't taken any steps whatsoever to address these issues. There have been multiple server maintenances that have been absolutely nothing in fixing the lag/crashing issues. This behavior is an insult to your whole player base, and unless you find a way to step up to the plate and address these issues, I won't be purchasing any NX for the forseeable future. Alot of the Elysium players share my stance as well.

    Thank you for your time.
  • McSpekMcSpek
    Reactions: 390
    Posts: 11
    edited May 2020
    It's Gollux's health....too big for the servers T_T
  • RenjaRenja
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    I'm in Elysium and there's a group of bots that cause one channel to d/c every time they move.
  • MipanyuMipanyu
    Reactions: 560
    Posts: 14
    edited May 2020
    Im in Aurora and there's also a group of bots that cause one channel to massively lag or d/c every time they move. I rarely experience these problems of d/c or lag or being unable to login, I'm guessing it's because I'm relatively close to the servers, but this time I'm experiencing massive lag and ultimately d/c from the game. It makes bossing really difficult, and anything with entry count, it sucks, I've never played any other mmo that's literally this unplayable :l
  • AlbinorockAlbinorock
    Reactions: 2,205
    Posts: 221
    Member, Private Tester
    edited May 2020
    Don't worry guys we'll get 2exp coupons as a comp and then continue to d/c. Nexon treats us well bois.
  • UhohlehotdogUhohlehotdog
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 3
    Renja wrote: »
    I'm in Elysium and there's a group of bots that cause one channel to d/c every time they move.

    I think this is caused by the coconut season event. Every half hour of every hour, participants are cc’d to a random channel where the event will participate in causing it to lag like coconuts. (At least this is my experience)
  • UhohlehotdogUhohlehotdog
    Reactions: 410
    Posts: 3
    What’s frustrating is crashing right after someone casts an MVP. Like damn I may as well have just continued grinding without it then.

    I noticed myself that when we do the coconut season event, massive amounts of people are cc’d to a random channel. I’m not sure if anyone else notices this but yea it does cause the channel to lag quite a bit, especially during the participation of the event.
  • Unfortunat3Unfortunat3
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 5
    edited May 2020
    To Nexon, especially the team for Maplestory:

    Up to this date, May 19th 2020, Elysium players have experienced lag issues, especially in hard boss runs in parties. This has occured for roughly two months and do not see improvements, and if not, the lag has gone worse through patches and multiple maintenance. Some hard boss parties have even decided to stop running since the lag have been affecting the run horribly.
    Through all this time, we have only got 1 response from Ghilbee on the other thread, "Lag In Elysium", but that was on April 20th, a month ago. Other than that we did not get any other response, statement, or memo regarding this issue. The frustration is building up within the community of Elysium players.

    Here, I would like for the team for Maplestory, at least, give Elysium players a statement, or update towards this issue. I know there's no such miracle that you could fix this in an instant, but an update is really appreciated.

    -Elysium player, Unfortunat3
  • cartiantycartianty
    Reactions: 500
    Posts: 29
    edited May 2020
    Still cant play MS its been 3 days now. Cant log in at all and when I do get it bam getting kicked out over and over again. Why?????
  • SorrowSorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
    Posts: 314
    Member, Private Tester
    edited May 2020
    Please look into this issue. I have played my characters in Bera, Elysium, and Reboot and there is no comparison to how unplayable Elysium's lag is compared to Bera and Reboot.
  • AngryAngelAngryAngel
    Reactions: 840
    Posts: 53
    edited May 2020
    Lag still persists even after the unscheduled maintenance this week as does the frequent crashing of channels in Elysium. Botters are flocking to one channel at a time over and over again, causing each one to go down frequently.
  • KoenKoen
    Reactions: 570
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2020
    Post-maintenance of May 18th. Got home from work, had about ~70 minutes available to play. Managed to crash four times, twice literal seconds after MVP buffs, causing me to lose precious EXP multipliers. This game really knows how to drain its players mentally.
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited May 2020
    years worth of issue thrown under the carpet
    good luck climbing the mountain that makes that carpet like a small flag on top of it

    its almost a mircale and surprise how GMS can run with so many issue and things that are just mitigated
    cant imagine being in dev team room with so many issue stacked around for years trying to find a missed { } ; and if the lines makes sense

    pray for them and hope they dont break more things (they got so many new critical issues just in the last 30days that are still on wait to be fixed)
    Reactions: 1,105
    Posts: 44
    edited May 2020
    what did devs do for the maintenance? because there is literally no change with lags and crashes after maintenance. Seems like devs don't even know what to do to fix this at this point
  • VisualK31VisualK31
    Reactions: 645
    Posts: 13
    I've had a progressive increase in disconnection issues since my return, which started as a minor inconvenience, and is now making its way beyond making Maplestory unplayable. As of the last maintenance, I have had a series of disconnections with as little as a minute in between disconnections.
    With how long it takes to meet daily objectives with the ongoing event, as well as daily quests, the frequency of disconnections and crashes we're collectively experiencing is unacceptable; playing games has been a major aspect of structure in my life since the lock-down for the pandemic began, and these issues are getting to be exasperating.
    It would be much appreciated if these issues were resolved posthaste.
  • VisualK31VisualK31
    Reactions: 645
    Posts: 13
    edited May 2020
    I accidentally posted twice, can't figure out how to delete this one
  • HoboSheepHoboSheep
    Reactions: 120
    Post: 1
    Another maintenance with no changes. Whats going on? Can we get someone from nexon to respond......