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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
just wanted to start off by saying nexon go F all yous. came back from a long break and found all my characters gone and the world they were in. all that work and money spent gone... just lost a player for good.. peace
Too much work. Easier to spend more time closing the game, coming to the forums and typing an angry post than to check a whopping four different servers for your characters. You think people actually have the time for that? Approaching things reasonably? Not when there's misplaced anger to throw at nexon!
I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that for a player who comes back after who knows how long and finds their world gone the obvious first thing they are going to think is that they have lost all their progress. Seems that there is no message box or email or anything that tells you that a merge has happened either, would be nice because the game does very little to explain how things are working and the site doesn't mention clearly anything about the world merge for returning players.
It takes not even a minute to check for your characters to see if they're still there. It would have taken him less time to check scania, bera, aurora, elysium and reboot for his characters than it took him to come to the forums and REEEEEEEEE all over the place.
While it doesn't and I certainly don't condone reeing in the forums, MapleStory its extremely cryptic with a lot of its content. You could check the other worlds yes, but without much indication about what happened its not far fetched to think some amount of people left because they thought their progress was erased.
It really takes not much effort to put a message box up for players who were not present during Worlds Unite and haven't logged in since, even more so with how people lack patience with Nexon and MMOs in general in the west. Some more Quality of Life added to the game won't hurt no one, and certainly avoids more reeing.
People were warned for months on end.
Leaving a message in the game for people who haven't logged in since then is just extra clutter in a game with enough problems.
People who played before should remember Scania and Bera so realistically they only have to check 3 servers to find their characters.
Only two servers if they've played since reboot came out. I'm all for Quality of Life but that's just spoonfeeding and isn't needed.
if you are in dead one "tHeY MiSsEd tHeIr cHaNcE ToO MoVe? SuCkS To sUcK." ...
also wouldn't merging servers again provoke another response like this?
They still have this $hit for CS change for EVERY CHARACTER whether you've already checked the new cs shop on your other character or not. OP is dumb for not even checking the worlds before raging, but if nx can afford to provide new cs guide for every single fkin character, they can afford to provide a single layer UI on start screen that points to Elysium and Aurora and say "merged worlds," which is significantly more important change than cs UI overhaul. Stop making excuses for nx for not doing something little they can do to guide returning players a little.
A programmed pop up is still extremely niche and unneeded. Though I will give you the point for the CS overlay being useless as well.
If Nexon can add a message without screwing stuff up, go for it. But I have serious doubts on basically anything Nexon does like that.
I lost all my characters on Galicia. (I figured it merged to make Elysium, but I checked it and all my characters were gone)
I also checked every other world and found nothing. I waited for the loading data to complete on each too so definitely gone.
So I made a support request. I know I'm not going insane
I understand your pain and know the feeling. First off by saying that one of the mods will prob come and make a big deal about the opening statement so keep that in mind. "you should say how you feel but you know how it goes here"
yes, the world was merge as well as a transfer prior to that so a lot of characters and accounts had a lot of issues. there were bans, some lost accounts and a lot of things. I hope they help you out as its frustrating to have anything happen on something you work so hard on.
I hope when you "voice" your concern they won't make that concern be voiceless
I agree with your point of having emails done as many people don't have time to get in games due to work, school, and other obligations. The sad thing about it is if we voice our concerns to them we then get silenced and become voiceless.
I think an email reminder would be nice as well as an in-game notification and launcher notification. but more so Nexon needs to work on communicating with people outside the forums and discord so the email would be nice.
The info is there not hidden and accessible to everyone at all times, there is no need for a pop up saying your worlds merged cause you know common sense should kick in and make you click on all the new worlds to... you know... check whats up cause your original world is missing.
And if your characters are NOT on said world chances are high that you are logged into another account (take that with a grain of salt), i my self have logged into an account that is over 7 years old and all my characters are present (windia).