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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Hello! I wanted to post a few quality of life suggestions for the playerbase.
1) World Leap.
The last world leap was in 2017 and for a good reason; MYBKCN, GRAZED, and Windia had a dwindling population and it was necessary to merge to Elysium and Aurora. As of today, Elysium and Aurora are still considered dead worlds. Scania's population is dwindling as well, and Reboot is growing. I'd like to propose an annual world leap that is part of the summer or winter update. Open up all worlds so players can leap to the world of their choosing.
2) Reboot Cash Shop.
Reboot players don't have the luxury of the auction house - which is a fair trade for a grind-based server; however, with the auction house, regular server players are able to buy NX items from disappeared rotations. Reboot players can't. It's a one-time-gone deal. So I'd like to propose that we get weekly cash shop updates with new rotations. If you miss a rotation, you don't have to wait 5 years for it an item to return. You can reasonably hope to see it again within 1-2 years.
Another alternative is a NX item only auction house in Reboot, but I find the former option more reasonable since auction houses are exclusive to regular servers.
And a final tidbit to this bullet - if either alternative is unsuitable, open up the cash shop inventory to be transferable between all characaters regardless of class.
3) Kanna and the Totems.
This one is puzzling. I can abide by Kishin getting nerfed since 14% of the playerbase is Kannas. That isn't good for the community. Part of Maplestory's charm is the variety of classes; but when one overpowers all other classes, something needs to change. If Kishin is going to remain part of Kannas kit and the economy, there needs to be a way for other classes to to compete. Nerfing Totems makes no sense and is an erroneous mistake. Totems help non-Kanna classes compete with their levelling speed, and nerfing them still doesn't solve the issue of Kannas being overpowered.
Here are my two reasonable solutions:
3.1) Nerf only Kishin. Leave Totems alone so other classes can compete.
3.2) Nerf both Kishin and Totems, but make Totems an unlimited purchase from the CS. 10 totems a month is abyssmal whereas Kishin is forever existent in Kannas kit.
4) Level 3 Links.
And finally, with the RISE update incoming and the 19% decrease in levelling EXP between 170-200, I'd like to propose one of two options in regards to the 210 level 3 link skills:
4.1) Make level 3 link at level 200 instead of 210.
4.2) Decrease the levelling curve from 200-210.
Both solutions make the level 3 link more achievable since the EXP required from 200-210 is doubled and doubles every level thereafter to 275.
Thank you for reading. Stay safe and healthy! Black Lives Matter.
1) No. World leaps cause more damage than what it repairs. All dead worlds we had for years were the result of that World leap. The truth is most people will miss the leap, many won't even bother trying to move an entire roster of 40+ characters somewhere else with all the hassle included. Instead merging Elysium, Scania and Aurora would make more sense.
3) Better yet remove Kishin and the totems. The game just wasn't made for voluntary increased spawn rates when you want it. Removing the effect of Kishin would diminish the large Kanna population as most are bots and/or mules. Keep Fury as that at least requires playing the game to get.
4) I agree with Links being level 3 by 200. The exp decrease will come naturally when new areas post Limina are added.
1) I think that's agreeable. Merge Elysium, Aurora, and Scania. To add on - I'd also like for Reboot to open up to 30 channels instead of the 20. The channel change from 20-30 can happen for Bera and the merged Scania, Aurora, and Elysium on case-by-case if it becomes too populated.
2) Good point! Either way, there has be a balance between Kannas and other classes. If that means going with my original idea; fine. If that means removing Kishin and Totems altogether; also fine. My concern lied in the disparity between Kannas and other classes. The playing field must be evened.
The rest of your suggestions are fine though.
As you mentioned, they're already making 170-200 about 1/5 easier/faster with the RISE update. I don't think we should make it even easier
That would be another slap in the face of people who spent time getting to 210 before the exp curve adjustments
A world leap is not going to help Elysium or Aurora population-wise, it's only going to hurt them. In that case it would be a better suggestion to merge the two, possibly including Scania as well.
Never understood the concept as to why you have to nerf a class so that other classes can compete. Why not just make all maps have the same effect as kishin that way everyone benefits? This would incentivize people to play other classes and not outright quit once this pandemic is over. Making totems more accessible is basically the same thing as relying on Kanna, you're still relying on one specific aspect of the game.