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Remove Maple tour from Reboot

Reactions: 710
Posts: 8
edited July 2020 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Maple tour is a terrible way to give players a "respectable amount of mesos" After 140 Days F2p players recieve 8.5b while P2w receives 3.5x that in the same amount of time. Responses from Nexons support system showing they know its unfair. They Know it costs 546$ a year and gives Pay 2 win players 3.5x the mesos and overall advantage.

1 day ago
Hi Mapler,

We appreciate your feedback about Maple Tour system. As you noted, it is one of very few ways players on Reboot servers can gain a gameplay benefit from NX and Maple Points. The Maple Tour system was implemented as a way for players to earn a respectable amount of meso for relatively minimal time investment. For additional information about Maple Tour, check out the Maple Memo introducing the system.

7 days ago
Hello there,

Thank you for reaching back to us, and I apologize for the delay.

We truly get your point here and we understand that to continue to play on the same playing field, you will be needing Maple points.

9 days ago
Hello Mapler,

Thank you for contacting Nexon Player Support and I apologize for the delay.

I understand your point in this matter. Since, our game team takes player feedback and suggestions seriously, I will be forwarding your concerns to them. Should you wish to make any more suggestions, may I advise you to please take advantage of our Feedback and Suggestions category on our web forum as our game team does monitor the forums.

You can keep an eye on the MapleStory main website for our Monthly Patch Notes post for any news on bug fixes or changes to MapleStory.

As a side note, Reboot server was establish for players that wish to play the game equally with others without the use of NX. In this server, no advantage can be gained by paying real-world money, with the exception of pets. Cash Shop items that give power in normal servers are either sold for meso or don't exist at all.
  1. Do you prefer P2W or F2P on reboot?9 votes
    1. Pay 2 win for reboot?
       22% (2 votes)
    2. intended F2P game play
       78% (7 votes)


  • AaronHuskyAaronHusky
    Reactions: 2,485
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    Member, Private Tester
    edited July 2020
    Maybe the more reasonable suggestion would be adding maple tour tickets to the reward shop? And in events? Seems much better than removing a meso source just because the designer was an idiot.
  • TurtlesRockTurtlesRock
    Reactions: 1,845
    Posts: 95
    edited July 2020
    AaronHusky wrote: »
    Maybe the more reasonable suggestion would be adding maple tour tickets to the reward shop? And in events? Seems much better than removing a meso source just because the designer was an idiot.

    And then Nexon puts maple tour tickets in the reward shop for 1000 reward points each. lmao
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited July 2020
    nexon allready ignored us on this even when the memo briefly mentioned about maple tour comeing to GMS and extra tickets being sold for nx we did complain rightaway...
    there is bunch of suggestion to turn those tickets to RP but all got ignored or we hoped that the event stores wil keep offer them...
    they didnt even care and just made it harder for f2p the next week or so
    Maple Tour Rebalance:
    The entry limit for Maple Tour has been adjusted to 7 times per day per account.

    like who cares when nexon spamed that away with lootbox - marvel and as usual things get forgoten and thrown under the carpet after each marvel and DMT
    AaronHusky wrote: »
    Maybe the more reasonable suggestion would be adding maple tour tickets to the reward shop? And in events? Seems much better than removing a meso source just because the designer was an idiot.

    And then Nexon puts maple tour tickets in the reward shop for 1000 reward points each. lmao

    1k reward points is still better then the silly 300nx cash grab in reboot

  • BobbyWeaveBobbyWeave
    Reactions: 1,615
    Posts: 31
    edited July 2020
    In reboot it doesn't matter if other players get stronger more quickly. There's zero competition or economy that would cause other players to be hurt by p2w players success. Besides, the only "competition" in Reboot is dojo, guild pq, flag race, and guild honor ranking. The latter two are not effected by how strong you are and the former two wouldn't be effected by the tiny amount of meso from maple tour. ~70b a year or whatever pittance it is for 7 maple tours every day of your life is a drop in the bucket compared to what an arcana farmer gets you.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited July 2020
    BobbyWeave wrote: »
    In reboot it doesn't matter if other players get stronger more quickly. There's zero competition or economy that would cause other players to be hurt by p2w players success. Besides, the only "competition" in Reboot is dojo, guild pq, flag race, and guild honor ranking. The latter two are not effected by how strong you are and the former two wouldn't be effected by the tiny amount of meso from maple tour. ~70b a year or whatever pittance it is for 7 maple tours every day of your life is a drop in the bucket compared to what an arcana farmer gets you.

    It diminishes the whole point of reboot making it less valuable for players who care about that sort of thing.
    "Flex" is a lot more important to the overall health of reboot than you think. Players like knowing that someone who has a really good item actually worked for it.
    If the server becomes pay to win that turns off a lot of players who like the idea of hard work actually meaning something.
    That's why there's always such a lashback whenever Nexon does this kind of crap. Even pets had a huge negative reaction when reboot first opened.
    The server is supposed to be completely free with no pay to win. Period.
  • TheObservantTheObservant
    Reactions: 630
    Posts: 12
    edited July 2020
    BobbyWeave wrote: »
    In reboot it doesn't matter if other players get stronger more quickly. There's zero competition or economy that would cause other players to be hurt by p2w players success. Besides, the only "competition" in Reboot is dojo, guild pq, flag race, and guild honor ranking. The latter two are not effected by how strong you are and the former two wouldn't be effected by the tiny amount of meso from maple tour. ~70b a year or whatever pittance it is for 7 maple tours every day of your life is a drop in the bucket compared to what an arcana farmer gets you.

    Even if this were true, that's not the point. The point of Reboot isn't to eliminate "competition" between players (I'd argue most competition in Maplestory is self imposed anyway. It's not a PVP game). Reboot is meant to create an environment where working for your gains is your only option, and paying real money doesn't provide any substantial shortcuts. Maple tour undermines that.
    Reactions: 1,200
    Posts: 11
    edited July 2020
    It blows my mind that people are really complaining about maple tour and the F2P integrity of Reboot when the game is barely even playable with botched DMTs and server lag more often than not. Like I would gladly pay to win in Reboot at this point if it meant Nexon Korea giving a damn about the state of GMS.
  • FuhreakFuhreak
    Reactions: 7,620
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    edited July 2020
    GAMBlT wrote: »
    It blows my mind that people are really complaining about maple tour and the F2P integrity of Reboot when the game is barely even playable with botched DMTs and server lag more often than not. Like I would gladly pay to win in Reboot at this point if it meant Nexon Korea giving a damn about the state of GMS.

    Compromising the entire point of the server that the majority of the population is on for the sake of "Please notice me senpai" will also blow up in their face.
    If Nexon doesn't understand players, even if they're paying attention to them, it solves absolutely nothing.
  • TerrorStreakTerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited July 2020
    I can't see the harm in leaving it the way it is... no one could possibly be paying maple points for such meager gains am i right?
  • JelaniJelani
    Reactions: 475
    Posts: 25
    edited July 2020
    Other people's progression doesn't effect yours in the slightest. Pay to win doesn't exist in Reboot. They can't gain anything but progress on their own character for the money they gain from using Maple Points. Are you really that concerned about someone else being better than you by making 1b a week when you could farm that in a day?
    Reactions: 3,370
    Posts: 504
    edited July 2020
    I can't see the harm in leaving it the way it is... no one could possibly be paying maple points for such meager gains am i right?
    Jelani wrote: »
    Other people's progression doesn't effect yours in the slightest. Pay to win doesn't exist in Reboot. They can't gain anything but progress on their own character for the money they gain from using Maple Points. Are you really that concerned about someone else being better than you by making 1b a week when you could farm that in a day?

    pay to win means you pay to get something instead of work/play the way up like all other
    reboot is purposely made to be meso only MESO ONLY ! world , dosnt matter whats the excuse of adding anything for $$ if is not cosmetic ...how hard is that to understand ?

    why you guys and nexon constantly push the other way around ?
    players deflecting from non-reboot to reboot for many reasons and one of the bigest one is p2w...

    and about :
    aRe yOu rEaLlY ThAt cOnCeRnEd aBoUt sOmEoNe eLsE BeInG BeTtEr tHaN YoU By mAkInG 1b a wEeK WhEn yOu cOuLd fArM ThAt iN A DaY?
    are you really that lazy whale that you need to pay cash instead of work and play the game like all other ?
    noone is concerned about who is better then who , you just live with that complex that you can accomplish evrything with money shortcuts and that somehow makes you better then others who put the work for accomplishments

    i know this wont change anything nexon likes players like you, and they will continue with that stubborn attitude and just slide more and more p2w in reboot and non-reboot (maybe GMS will adopt the KMS idea of exclusive MVP ch there wont be backlash like in kms as we allready let so many p2w things slide , like non-reboot is notoriously called paid world and is normal thing )

    but that doesnt mean we cant find maplestory servers that follow what we want (even if nexon say that some of them are "ilegal" )
  • DabbinStarDabbinStar
    Reactions: 710
    Posts: 8
    edited August 2020
    The biggest factor for me on this whole discussion is that for the most part there is now no way to make Mesos under lvl 200. Correction no way to make decent mesos. Ursus is a joke seeing as Im on a computer that runs games at 4k with 300mb/s download speeds I still lag upon entry. Couldnt imagine needing to do that on a consitant basis as my means of progression. Secondly seeing as the game is heavly rng based 10-15 stars can cost 150m or it could cost 7b. So lets look at Arkannas needing a minimum fund of say 30b thats 30 weeks before I can make decent money. In 30 weeks you can get your main incredibly strong right? wrong since all the money must be saved for kanna. Plus no exp gain or honor xp for main, no extra symbols. So one could spend the 30b on there main to get the good rates right? wrong seeing as you can only totem for 30 hours even at only 2 hours of grinding a day Arkannas receives 30 days of 2 hour grinding while every other class receives 15. The reason maple tour was added was to give everyone means of "respectable mesos" the 54m for free from daily's is laughable. Especially when you count in the fact that you don't receive the money until 1 week after entry, someone broke down maple tour into rates to that of 324m/hour at 5 minutes a run. However to me its the same thing as being forced to wait 15 minutes before fighting Magnus only to have it killed in 30 seconds for drops. That wasn't a 30 second run it was 15.5 minutes. So maple tour comes out to roughly 2.25m/hour or 378m over 7 days. How is that respectable mesos? I make more then that training on a mule with no meso gear. Also I'm bad with remembering what I've already done on maple that day and have wasted maple points on maple tour. ITS GOT TO GO!!
  • Maple tour is the worst money sink in the game, its a total waste of time. This is a way to try to make us for over more money for a MAJOR aspect of the game everyone needs to grow. So now he best way for anyone to get further in the game is to A) play during the year that Kannas were afk *** years* B) Make a phantom during the phantom platform glitch times C) make a kanna lvl to 150 and keep it there then there is of course option D) Arkanna. The problem is Option D is not possible with out Having done Option AB or C Seeing as those methods persisted until about 6 months ago until the killing action of Kishin was taken. So Old players get a massive advantage by abusing the system Bring back alternative meso making. Nexon is a joke they dont even tell us the truth. I was told that higher end maps received more mesos as general rule of thumb thats how games work however this is not the case. Lvl 170 maps give same mesos as lvl 220+ maps. For some stupid reason boss crystals meso value was changed from 6x regular servers with the ability for 12X with 100% mesos down to 3x flat rate even those we are supposed to get 6x the mesos? Preferabbly Nexon wants everyone to use mapletour that's why they have never again added passes and why it costs 546$ for a full year. I for one am limited on my mesos making THANKS NEXON!!! I dont play maple at the times nexon wants me to So i do not receive 2x ursus mesos, Add more ways to make mesos and remove the way Money sucking mesos gains since my understanding of the game as of the rules a gm has stated to me in support chat. Reboot is a free server in which nx will not give another player any advantage except for pets. This is not the case though nexon is a lying two faced piece of turd that cant even follow its own rules