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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
No Familiar Red cards for Reboot
Sure yeah, let's just alienate nearly 50% of our player base......
Nexon, any time you make a decision and think...no Reboot doesn't get that...I want you to look at this graph, then bash your face into a wall for 20 min.
If you still think denying reboot progression items is a good idea....keep smashing your face into that solid object until you stop thinking that

the fact that it is not there very likely means it is entirely possibly to work on familiars without using it?
or did i read those patch notes wrong?
How do they handle cubes on reboot?....meso/rewards shop
Not hard
This is the equivalent of not giving reboot red/black cubes for meso in the cash shop at all.
So the ONLY way to tier up familiars in Reboot is to farm....THOOOOOOOOUSANDS....of familiar cards and fuse them and HOPE TO GOD you get something good.
Oh, and no legendary tier...can only get legendary tier with red cards......so Reboot is just extra screwed.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion but no one is saying that it should be sold for money, rather treat it like cubes and have it cost meso.
I'm sure you've seen it but no, working on familiars is basically impossible if the data holds up. Reboot players are out of luck if they get a bad potential and won't even consider going for any higher tiers. This system is basically as bad as the whole Phantom Forest/Shadow Knight coins debacle.
i am aware. but reboot is the hardcore f2p server. so this is not suprising.
you clearly read them wrong or just don't know how long it would take to get barely decent stats. It is not humanely possible to work on familiars for good lines, unless you're willing to spend years no-lifing for that one last rank-up to roll the good lines (oh and the rank up is also RNG so good luck).
are you new to maple? lol, since when do they offer END game tier level of stats easy?
those lines offered by familars are better than legendary bpot on most regular server items.
expecting that to be handed out to reboot when they do not even have bpot which despite having more potential things to be on.
familiars give GSE pot which is the best pot you get.
i can agree that a better drop rate is needed.
however if they add in red familiar cards they may aswell just be adding in Bpot cubes aswell. and i cant find either happening.
tho its entirely possible if the community whines enough that nexon may include a pack in reboot. but imo its not likely.
with that in mind. how much do you think it would cost in reboot?
considering its almost on par or slightly better than GSE pot pretty much at uni (despite 2 lines, but 6 total). its likely to cost more than red cubes maybe even black cubes ? -tho they are pretty cheap-
You are completely lost and didn't read what I wrote. No one is asking for easy end game stats. You can't even get APPRECIABLE stats with hundreds of farming hours, it would take upwards of 3-5 years to get 1 good unique line, and even then it wouldn't even be half of what you'd get with red cards. You'd be getting a Genesis weapon long before a prime unique line.
As for the Bonus pot argument, they are clearly not the same as familiar pots, one is supplementary to an existing system and other isn't. Not every new damage source is 'just like bonus pots' especially when familiars were already part of the reboot experience to begin with and should therefore be subject to the grind the way cubes, flames and stars are.
Remember years ago, when the population of maple was waning, before the "better maple" initiative they took on to stop making things grossly p2w?
There were no master craftsman cubes, no meister cubes, not even the occult cubes that ranked down your epic gear at a low rate.
Instead what you got were people crafting and fusing half earrings and praying to god they came epic. And once they did, they prayed to god they came with a 6% stat line so they could sell it.
That was how f2p equips came into the game. If you wanted to buy cubes, then your gear would quickly cost much much more.
Take that absolutely ridiculous system, and put it into reboot now. That's the equivalent of what not giving red familiar cards is.
Why even compare to bpot? There is no bpot in reboot. Now if Nexon added bonus potentials to reboot, and made it completely impossible to cube it, even with occult bonus cubes, then you could make that comparison. But they didn't because it's absolutely ridiculous to do so.
hmm looks like the post was edited by the time i got to respond..
you obviously do not understand the comparison being made.
the potential from familars is WSE.
potentially 6 lines of it.
bpot cubes are cash only purchase..
familiar red cards are a cash only purchase
hence the comparison..
if you guys want red cards you may aswell also advocate for bpot since both are pretty much only available directly as a cash purchase.
people fused until they got uni earrings not 6% cus it was highly profitable and required no cubing.
occult cubes are fairly recent in comparison to that time which is almost or literally 10 years ago.
a better maple started with 5th job or rather. thats when they actually started incorporating it on a larger scale. in case you forgot how much was shipped with 5th job.
master/meister cubes appearing had nothing to do with that as they came into the game long before that was a thing.
and yes i was playing at the time. so you kind of minced your words there.
sure. but look at literally every single whine thread .
"they have 40 boss"
"they got 100 boss"
"they got so much IED"
"nerf/remove the stats"
which basically comes down to:
remove the stats cus i didnt get it -
let me get it cus i didnt roll anything in those 3 days.
they have what i want and got it easier so its not fair so we must have it.
btw. i was not even playing when this happened so don't even try to retort with.. "oh you are only saying this cus you have godly familiars"
i will not compare myself to what other people have.
sure i am envious but i hold no disdain for people who rolled - or spent money - rolling their familiars during a new update that really did not showcase what was even possible to achieve - which we are now aware of - at least more so than in April.
if reboot gets the red familiar card. great.
i just think that its not likely.
Where did I mince my words? And did you even read what I even wrote?
The comparison is pointless because people are asking for red cards for meso in reboot. The actual stat gain from them is not the focus here. If it were the focus, people would be asking for protection scrolls to be sold in the cash shop. But they aren't, and they're not asking for bpot cubes either, because neither systems are in reboot.
And that's not the "better maple" initiative I'm talking about. That one is where they take community feedback (koreans only of course), and actually fix the thousands of issues that plague this game.
The one I am referring to is when they realized that super miracle cubes being the only way to cube your items was totally cancerous game design, and fusing items together to pray your reveal potential was good was also totally cancerous game design. After that they made some mention of how they want to give more opportunities to f2p players, and added the master craftsman and meister professions, along with the ability to craft the two respective cubes.
Oh wait, that cancerous game design where you have to fuse low level garbage is exactly what has been implemented in reboot now. Hence the outrage.
however i do not want to get off topic so i'm not going to take up extra space to point it out.
That's not 'hardcore f2p', that's just flat out unreasonable. Red Familiar Cards need to make their way into reboot, anything less makes the entire familiar system a failure.