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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Make Gender Neutral Tops Available in Reboot
I feel like I would be speaking on behalf of a lot of other players, as this is a common issue but not spoken about much within the community. I'd like to discuss the topic of the Fusion Anvil.
This discussion is coming from a reboot player
As you many of you may or may not know, the fusion anvil currently only works by having both the appearance item, and function item to be the same gender. For instance, if you were to anvil a (F) top to a gender neutral top, the anvil would not work. This is clear as it states it in the description of the anvil. This generally doesn't seem to be an issue for most items, as they are all gender neutral, except for tops and bottoms.
Tops and bottoms are some of the hardest items to anvil. Since the current meta is CRA top/bottom (which are gender neutral), the only available gender-neutral anvils for bottoms are either the other CRA bottoms, and the 2 pairs of jeans in the Lith Harbor Shop (sandblasted jeans, ice jeans). This isn't a huge problem, as there is still 2 available items to be anvilled to the bottom (excluding other cra gear)
The main problem is when it comes to tops. Currently, (In Reboot), aside from the 5 CRA tops, there is NO other gender neutral tops available that can be anvilled. This is extremely frustrating to us players who love the maple fashion and pay to use item anvils. There are certainly only a select few gender neutral tops even in the game, all of which are just unobtainable in Reboot.
These tops mainly include:
- Android Vest (and the entire android set for that matter)
- Horntail's Ab T-Shirt
- Homecoming Victory Jacket
- O. Mushroom T-Shirt
- Slime T-Shirt
Since these are the only possible gender neutral tops that can be anviled to the meta CRA top, I was wondering if maybe we can make some availability for these items within Reboot. Either within event coin shops, the Phantom Forest Coin Shop (I know this shop already has TONS of anvil items), or even the Cross World Party Quest shop.
I think that this would be a great avenue for anvil users, and would certainly allow nexon to sell more anvils for NX. It would certainly make us feel much more better about anviling our item set by actually having an obtainable gender-neutral top to be used.
I wrote a post about anvils too, but not much people seems to care.
I would also love to see this change, but I feel like adding those tops would be much more reasonable to ask for instead of overhauling the anvil system.
But, since we know Nexon won't change that, I did see someone suggest changing the function of the fusion anvil so that it turns any equip into a cash item. That way if you have your cra set and you want to wear something else over it, like a top/bottom from another class that's gender locked, the fusion anvil turns the top/bottom into cash items you can wear over your cra set. That way you can wear a gender locked item on top of a genderless one.
If anvil does not match character gender then use non-anvil appearance.
Sadly, the problem is that this would have to come from KMS and Korea is a lot more conservative and uptight about gender as well as homosexuality. Gay marriage could also be in the game if not for that.
Only KMS-alligned implementation of this that I can imagine would be to allow gendered items to be anviled onto non-gendered ones but force you to be the item's gender to wear them or something.
Unless a GMS dev wants to dabble in spaghetti and risk breaking something else.
I think being forced to look neutral is fine, why make things soo very unusual april fools cross gender stuff is about as far as they ever should go
Sustainable Gift Cards
This discussion is coming from a reboot player