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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Why was Fairy Heart Removed from Awake Meso Shop?
Thanks to streamers being able to showcase awake, we're aware that Nexon removed it from the awake meso shop. If Nexon wants to be so transparent and inform the community about changes they make, then why don't they at least tell us why first that they're removing a sought after item from an event? I would love to know the reason why GMS can't have the fairy heart from the meso shop but other regions of MS can. It makes no sense.
Nexon doesn't even realize how sick everyone is of waiting for Wondroid to re-release to get a best in slot heart, especially people who change mains in Reboot. They rather shaft us and make us wait 2 more years for Wondroid to return. Honestly they should've never removed it at all. It's not like fairy hearts are that rare in regular servers to warrant this removal neither. This is ridiculous.
it was for both servers, cuz in KMS hearts were pretty expensive and there arent alot of choices o
it was for both servers, cuz in KMS hearts were pretty expensive and there arent alot of choices for them and its a huge piece of gear for Reboot in both services.