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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Regarding Potential Upcoming Changes to Set Effect
Same, I have almost no interest in playing anymore and many other dedicated players have been quitting recently, specifically mega-whale players with 80-90k+ stat. Items get
Same, I have almost no interest in playing anymore and many other dedicated players have been quitting recently, specifically mega-whale players with 80-90k+ stat. Items worth millions of NX get traded and the buyers never spend a dime on cubes or scrolls.
This is a lose-lose situation. Please come back on this one Nexon and rethink it through...if we have to stay in line with KMS, at least compensate for the change fairly. The idea to convert Tyrant/Dreamy belts to Gollux belts seems like a more decent proposal.
Don't say you care about balance and yada yada. You guys are simply lazy and just follow the same coding as KMS and don't change things for the better.
Bye Felicia.