Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Big Lady Face (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Last seen: Jan 15, 2020
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Nx Accessory
Item name (English/Korean): Bizarre Monocle
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Last seen: Mar 27, 2019
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Shield
Item name (English/Korean): Non-alcoholic Beer Shield
Webiste Link:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Covers
Item name (English/Korean): Fine Red Hanbok (F)
Webiste Link:
Item Last Seen: Jan 25, 2017NEW!
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Covers
Item name (English/Korean): Shiny Crown, Royal Mantle
Website Link: -NEW!
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Overall
Item name (English/Korean): Green-Thumb Gardener
Webiste Link: -
Nexon, can we please have these Plaid Punishima scarfs back, we had them recently but sadly they went expensive in Auction House and many cant afford it. Would gladly appreciate if you could bring them back soon!!
Nexon, can we please have these Plaid Punishima scarfs back, we had them recently but sadly they went expensive in Auction House and many cant afford it. Would gladly appreciate if you could bring them back soon!!
Item Type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Items/Hairstyles/Facestyles
Item Name (English/Korean): Master Maze Package/마스터 메이즈 패키지
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Please release this Master Label outfit package with the option to also get the face accessory and the NX black wigs as shown on the picture.
Korean maplestory has a system where if you collect all master label items from a set you get rewarded from NPC "Blair" in a quest notification about getting bonus items for completing the set with a riding mount and a face accessory. Also if you get a Master Label hair coupon and apply it to your character you will get a quest notification from NPC "Blair" about a bonus itemfor applying the master label hairstyle from the coupon and you get a NX Black Wig to match the new hairstyle.
Item Type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Items/Hairstyles/Facestyles
Item Name (English/Korean): All pictures below have there names in English.
Hello I have a HUGE list of items that I want to request. Sorry for the long list. These NX Items/Hairstyles/Faces are in GMS database. Please take my money Nexon
Add the exchange type of thing from the Celestial event into the CS. The one where you can change/transfer an emblem from one character to another please.
Image of item: : Image of the Silver Wolf Set : Image of each item labeled
Comment: As mentioned above, the Silver Wolf Coat was recently released through a limited supply of Anniversary Surprise Style Boxes; however, the entire set has not been seen since 2 years ago. I hope that you will consider releasing the set again, especially as it may compliment the recent release of Akechi Mitsuhide and the Silver Wolf Weapons.
Would love to see this hairstyle back in a rotation, I've been trying to get it for years since it only came out once in 2017 and once in early 2019. It was in KMS's MVP Renewal update style choice rotation but I learned the hard way that their rotations don't match the ones we have.
I agree!
This one would be nice to have back.
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Face
Item name (English/Korean): Big Lady Face (Female)
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Last seen: Jan 15, 2020
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Nx Accessory
Item name (English/Korean): Bizarre Monocle
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Last seen: Mar 27, 2019
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Shield
Item name (English/Korean): Non-alcoholic Beer Shield
Webiste Link:
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Covers
Item name (English/Korean): Fine Red Hanbok (F)
Webiste Link:
Item Last Seen: Jan 25, 2017
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Covers
Item name (English/Korean): Shiny Crown, Royal Mantle
Website Link: -
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): NX Overall
Item name (English/Korean): Green-Thumb Gardener
Webiste Link: -
Item name : Soft Blushed
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Please bring back the mix dye hair coupons!
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Item Type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Hair
Item Name (English/Korean): Luxurious Locks
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Item name (English/Korean): Eclipse Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Nexon, can we please have these Plaid Punishima scarfs back, we had them recently but sadly they went expensive in Auction House and many cant afford it. Would gladly appreciate if you could bring them back soon!!
agree! please bring them back! people love them
Item name (English/Korean): Pastel Goth Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
(4th from the left)
Item type (Hair/Face/NX Item/Pet): Eyes
Item name (English/Korean): Lunar New Year VIP Face
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
(1st from the left)
It was secretly removed from the Cash Shop back in May, with the promise of releasing it again in future sales. This hasn't happened since then.
I think this should be added to the Cash Shop at least on a regular cycle.
Item name (English/Korean): Silver Wolf Coat, Silver Wolf Ears, Silver Wolf Outfit
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Silver Wolf Coat last seen on 11/30/2020 through a limited supply of Anniversary Surprise Style Boxes :
Silver Wolf Set last seen on 10/04/2018 through unlimited Autumn Surprise Style Boxes :
Image of item:
Comment: As mentioned above, the Silver Wolf Coat was recently released through a limited supply of Anniversary Surprise Style Boxes; however, the entire set has not been seen since 2 years ago. I hope that you will consider releasing the set again, especially as it may compliment the recent release of Akechi Mitsuhide and the Silver Wolf Weapons.
Red Lotus Spirit Walker Permanent Outfit Package
-Dye coupon to change color of clothing.
Item name (English/Korean): Innocent Ponytail Hair
Website link (where the item was seen, including previous cash shop rotation link):
Would love to see this hairstyle back in a rotation, I've been trying to get it for years since it only came out once in 2017 and once in early 2019. It was in KMS's MVP Renewal update style choice rotation but I learned the hard way that their rotations don't match the ones we have.
Image of item: