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Where's our CM?

Reactions: 40,340
Posts: 6,342
Member, Private Tester
edited November 2016 in Off-Topic Discussion
He hasn't been on the forums in a week, except for one brief post. Wednesday's stream was cancelled. @OneLetter is posting migration info and doing forum police work (locking the election thread) for him.
He can't be on vacation, because he promised he'd tell us when he goes away.
Is he sick? For this long?
Get well soon, @KThxBaiNao .


  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,760
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    edited November 2016
    He went to the Afterlands and can't get back because he can't find that stupid last key.

    Truthfully, I don't know. He's offline in the chat as well. I'd assume sick, since there was no announcement.
  • GimoGimo
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 82
    edited November 2016
    Isn't it obvious? He teamed up with Jack Black, Weird Al Yankovic, and the hobo that lives at your local supermarket and rode a giant unicorn mermaid dragon magikarp hybrid to Jupiter to fight the Illuminati, which just happens to be an MLG turtle, in a giant battle to the death with lots of lasers and memes being shot from both sides.

    Really, it makes sense when you think about it.
  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited November 2016
    Probably on vacation, if anything.
    He's been MIA since last Friday off everything.
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited November 2016
    my guess

  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    Maryse said:

    Probably on vacation, if anything.
    He's been MIA since last Friday off everything.
    Not completely MIA.
    He tweeted something about a long car ride on Wednesday: (which supports the idea of vacation).
    And posted on the subreddit today.

    However, as I said, he promised he'd tell us when he goes on vacation.
    And the Wednesday stream was cancelled last-minute. Wouldn't they have told us a bit earlier if it was known he's on vacation?

    Oh well, this is Opaque Nexon. They treat us like 1-year-olds who don't need to be told why Daddy isn't home and these babysitters are here instead. Nor when Daddy will be back.

  • MaryseMaryse
    Reactions: 6,640
    Posts: 531
    edited November 2016
    Maybe it was a last minute emergency of sorts?
    I don't know man.
  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:

    Maryse said:

    Probably on vacation, if anything.
    He's been MIA since last Friday off everything.
    Not completely MIA.
    He tweeted something about a long car ride on Wednesday: (which supports the idea of vacation).
    And posted on the subreddit today.

    However, as I said, he promised he'd tell us when he goes on vacation.
    And the Wednesday stream was cancelled last-minute. Wouldn't they have told us a bit earlier if it was known he's on vacation?

    Oh well, this is Opaque Nexon. They treat us like 1-year-olds who don't need to be told why Daddy isn't home and these babysitters are here instead. Nor when Daddy will be back.

    He has a cute dog, also thinks for that link, I just followed him.

  • BIackbeanBIackbean
    Reactions: 3,450
    Posts: 519
    edited November 2016
    as much as I love our CM, he is quite interesting. Whenever maplers are unhappy he will cancel stream and go MIA. I am very happy that he finally fixed guild chat--- so i have nothing to bother him :).

    Feel better KThxBaiNao <3

    Long Live @Artasi
  • KThxBaiNaoKThxBaiNao
    Reactions: 11,690
    Posts: 300
    edited November 2016
    Hey everyone,

    I appreciate you all looking out for me.

    I had some family matters that required my immediate attention (had to drive up to Washington). I hope to be back at it again with the white vans real soon.
    I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you any advance notice regarding my absence. It was all extremely last minute for me.
    MegaScienceWillScarletUzumeIts2Sharp4UFishsticks27NiightseekerPerceptivityJettLuvsUBIackbeanAggraphineand 4 others.
  • DeadMalcolmDeadMalcolm
    Reactions: 1,640
    Posts: 35
    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:

    Maryse said:

    Probably on vacation, if anything.
    He's been MIA since last Friday off everything.
    Not completely MIA.
    He tweeted something about a long car ride on Wednesday: (which supports the idea of vacation).
    And posted on the subreddit today.

    However, as I said, he promised he'd tell us when he goes on vacation.
    And the Wednesday stream was cancelled last-minute. Wouldn't they have told us a bit earlier if it was known he's on vacation?

    Oh well, this is Opaque Nexon. They treat us like 1-year-olds who don't need to be told why Daddy isn't home and these babysitters are here instead. Nor when Daddy will be back.

    I need a babysitter. I become a bad boy on forums. I start to think back then ill go to an old post and just flame the OP for not being whatever
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2016

    Hey everyone,

    I appreciate you all looking out for me.

    I had some family matters that required my immediate attention (had to drive up to Washington). I hope to be back at it again with the white vans real soon.
    I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you any advance notice regarding my absence. It was all extremely last minute for me.
    I don't expect you to share what went down, but is everything good now?
  • Liege_LelouchLiege_Lelouch
    Reactions: 910
    Posts: 18
    edited November 2016
    A week isn't a big deal m8.
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2016

    A week isn't a big deal m8.
    Not to you maybe, but when someone who is active in various channels suddenly disappears for a week with no prior notice, and doesn't respond to any of said channels for that time span, people tend to worry a bit.

    I'm sure your friends or family would show some amount of concern if you up and vanished without saying anything for a week.
  • ArlongArlong
    Reactions: 4,645
    Posts: 424
    edited November 2016

    I'm sure your friends or family would show some amount of concern if you up and vanished without saying anything for a week.
    Clearly you don't know how much people curse my existence
  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited November 2016
    Arlong said:


    I'm sure your friends or family would show some amount of concern if you up and vanished without saying anything for a week.
    Clearly you don't know how much people curse my existence
    Well your mileage may vary, of course.
  • NiightseekerNiightseeker
    Reactions: 2,040
    Posts: 138
    edited November 2016

    Hey everyone,

    I appreciate you all looking out for me.

    I had some family matters that required my immediate attention (had to drive up to Washington). I hope to be back at it again with the white vans real soon.
    I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you any advance notice regarding my absence. It was all extremely last minute for me.
    Glad to hear from you again, man. I hope everything's alright now, we all missed you. <3
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
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    edited November 2016
    I do wish we had more than one CM at a time though, because things like this are bound to happen. Also it's always useful to have an extra hand to help out with any issues. Like when Artasi was CM, there was another CM as well, but they were pretty quiet, I think they more of only managed, than also interacted with the community.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited November 2016
    ClawStaff said:

    I do wish we had more than one CM at a time though, because things like this are bound to happen. Also it's always useful to have an extra hand to help out with any issues. Like when Artasi was CM, there was another CM as well, but they were pretty quiet, I think they more of only managed, than also interacted with the community.
    As far as I know we only ever had at most one CM. (Yes, sometimes we had half, or none).
    There are other Nexon employees who sometimes post on the forums, like producers (previously Waltzing and now SavageAce), but they are not CMs.
    A Community Manager, even an assistant one, who doesn't interact with the community, is pretty self-contradictory.

    I agree that we need more than one CM. None of the CMs we've had has been able to keep up with everything they're supposed to do (of course it doesn't help that everyone else at Nexon seems equally overworked, so the CM ends up doing some GM'ing and some QA'ing and all sorts of other things that aren't, strictly speaking, their job).
    Artasi tried to shift some of the load onto player volunteers via the MLC (although I'm told the original idea was Hime's), but that didn't work out. Nexon needs to hire another employee. But getting them to do that is like pulling (gold) teeth.

  • KingStarfireKingStarfire
    Reactions: 1,785
    Posts: 293
    edited November 2016
    AKradian said:

    ClawStaff said:

    I do wish we had more than one CM at a time though, because things like this are bound to happen. Also it's always useful to have an extra hand to help out with any issues. Like when Artasi was CM, there was another CM as well, but they were pretty quiet, I think they more of only managed, than also interacted with the community.
    As far as I know we only ever had at most one CM. (Yes, sometimes we had half, or none).
    There are other Nexon employees who sometimes post on the forums, like producers (previously Waltzing and now SavageAce), but they are not CMs.
    A Community Manager, even an assistant one, who doesn't interact with the community, is pretty self-contradictory.

    I agree that we need more than one CM. None of the CMs we've had has been able to keep up with everything they're supposed to do (of course it doesn't help that everyone else at Nexon seems equally overworked, so the CM ends up doing some GM'ing and some QA'ing and all sorts of other things that aren't, strictly speaking, their job).
    Artasi tried to shift some of the load onto player volunteers via the MLC (although I'm told the original idea was Hime's), but that didn't work out. Nexon needs to hire another employee. But getting them to do that is like pulling (gold) teeth.
    you are right about evening doing all jobs, I have seen Waltzing in game before even though I think his position is marketing I think.

  • ClawStaffClawStaff
    Reactions: 2,950
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    edited November 2016
    Actually there were 2 CMs at once when Artasi was here, I specifically remember, and actually have proof. The other CM Saygo commented when Artasi left, and that was the last I saw of them, it looks like they mostly handle Vindictus now. The Road Goes Ever On and On