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Looking for a Guild!

Reactions: 300
Posts: 2
in Guilds
Hello, I'm looking for a guild that I can join so I can get back into the game, I played back in the early 2000's right around when the Kaiser and Angelic Buster came out. Want to find other people to help me grow my new characters! Thank you for your time and i hope we can Maple together soon!


  • KiudaKiuda
    Reactions: 310
    Posts: 2
    edited February 2021
    Hello! Welcome back to Maplestory. Which server do you play on? :D
  • CthulhuSpawn96CthulhuSpawn96
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited February 2021
    My character in Elysium i think its called is stuck in a red area, last time I was on, that area was around my level but now it's double my level, I need my character saved. lol
  • MeatMeat
    Reactions: 715
    Posts: 36
    edited February 2021
    You can search for guilds through the guild UI now. The guilds that advertise should come right up.