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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Hello Maplers,
I was wondering if there was a way to remove in game censorship. The current ingame censorship isn't really good as it censors "what feels like random characters".
Even then, I'm now an adult and I'm okay playing a game with an uncensored filter, or at least client side only.
I don't like seeing my sentences like this.
I do*****ke se***g m* senten*** l**e this.
Your fellow Mapler
Ironically, some games have profanity filters that can even be worse, like turning "hello" into "hecko" or "teaspoon" into "teasfecesn" , or even "cl***" instead of "class" (***uming, of course, that the filter doesn't outright censor the whole message and automatically ban you from the board)