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Sengoku Hakase Badge

Reactions: 1,200
Posts: 24
Member, Private Tester
edited March 2021 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Hello, I would like to suggest to bring back Sengoku Hakase Badge. The last time we had Sengoku High with Sengoku Hakase Badge as a reward was in September, 2018 which was almost 3 years ago. Currently, a lot of players are feeling discouraged to continue playing the game at some points due to how much of a disadvantage it can be between a player having a Sengoku Hakase Badge and not. Personally, I have been wanting to create a new character for a long time but I do not feel motivated because I am unable to obtain a Sengoku Hakase Badge. The equipment is able to give up to an extra 5,000 stat compared to a Crystal Ventus Badge, this is a huge gap. Unlike other obtainable badges in the game, we are able to apply Potential, Bonus Potential, Scroll Enhance, and Starforce. This is only possible on Sengoku Hakase Badge. Honestly, this is not fair. It has been a very long time since we had Sengoku High, please bring it back once more. Some of us including me don't feel like playing the game anymore because of this. I personally feel like Sengoku High should not be taken away from us and should be a more consistent event in GMS to allow new characters and players obtain the Sengoku Hakase Badge.

Here is a webpage of the last time we had Sengoku High with Sengoku Hakase Badge as a reward https://maplestory.nexon.net/news/36048/sengoku-high-returns

Here is a video of a player using their Sengoku Hakase Badge to gain an extra 5,287 DEX. Timestamp (4:21-4:31)

Here is a screenshot of how much extra stat the Sengoku Hakase Badge could give you (+8,138,382) 3sD1V53.png


  • WimpGMSWimpGMS
    Reactions: 730
    Posts: 8
    edited March 2021
    I totally agree with TimmyGMS. Nexon I have been an old player of ms for years and a few years ago I quit my endgame bowmaster which had a sengoku badge. After 1-2 years of quitting I finally came back to the game after having graduated from school and I was excited to play another class instead of my old one. One of the biggest demotivating factors of this was the fact that I had to come back a big disadvantage already compared to my bowmaster as my bowmaster had a badge but not my Hero. I honestly dont think its fair for half the population of Maplestory to have a badge and for the other half (new players, people who want to try a different class) to not be able to have access to that anymore. At the end of the day a badge is simply a piece of equip and with you guys removing badges for new players, you are unbalancing the game. Why should new players be punished with a deficit of a lot of stat and attack just because they are new to the game? That just makes a lot of new players not even want to play after hearing about it. The whole point of Maplestory is to progress is it not? So why do you think by removing a piece of gear from new players tab and giving them a unpottable badge with at most 10 stat and 10 atk vs old players who have a badge that gives them around at least 5000 stat (as Timmy mentioned) as being fair? You are already destroying the progress of the new players by removing a piece of equipment which has no special power except giving a player some more stats and weapon attack. Now I know what you guys are going to say and I know its because you guys want to make room for the genesis badge. But think about most of the population in GMS. Out of 100% of the total population I daresay over 99% of them wouldnt bother to touch or do the dark boss set mainly due to how rare and expensive it is. Just because of that reason they should have no way of getting a pottable badge when others have it? Its just simply not fair. I personally do not think the badge is broken at all. If anything releasing the badge again will make the game more balanced than right now. And lastly if you honestly cannot allow badges to be released again I only ask for 2 requests:

    1) Please let people who previously had or have sengoku badges to transfer the badge to another character. Since we were able to transfer emblems I dont see why we shouldnt be allowed to transfer badges. My suggestion is to switch the primary stat of the badge according to their character over to their new one. For example if I have a 30/11 dex badge as a bowmaster I should be getting a 30/11 str badge upon transferring on my hero.

    2) Increase the rate of dark boss items and the genesis badge. If you really cannot release the badge again im afraid this is the only way that will help out everyone on this situation. Because the genesis badge is already a really low chance to get it would definitely help balance the game and close the gap between players with the sengoku badge and players that dont because right now we can see a huge inbalance between the 2.

  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited March 2021
    "Here is a screenshot of how much extra stat the Sengoku Hakase Badge could give you (+8,138,382) "
    Yes, it can give you 8m range... if you already have over 100m range.
    Or 5k stat when you're at 85k.
    And even that is compared with an empty slot, not a Crystal Ventus or Genesis (or Monster Park) badge.
    These are not normal numbers that a normal player can expect to gain by replacing their Crystal Ventus badge with a Sengoku Hakase one.
    You can expect to gain 4-5% damage output from such a badge. Which is very nice, but it's not as huge as you're trying to make it seem.

    (I would very much like for badges with potential to be available in GMS again. I just think you're misleading people by saying the badge by itself is somehow magically worth 5k stat for everybody)
  • jijijijijiji
    Reactions: 560
    Posts: 18
    edited March 2021
    i hope pot badges comeback but it wont so Timmy just quit this game.
  • SogaSoga
    Reactions: 400
    Post: 1
    Either bring them back or delete them please.
  • JiaaGMSJiaaGMS
    Reactions: 110
    Post: 1
    Please bring back the pottable badges.
  • TerrorStreakTerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited March 2021
    Supporting my Bro Timmy! Demon Avenger 4 life or until the end of Nexon's rule over maple... which may or may not end, not sure they can save themselves this time. Pottable badges for GMS should have never been removed period, That has always been my stance who wants to be disadvantaged to those you compete with inside your own class at least with dojo, this game is absolutely competitive if you want to be lol.
  • TerrorStreakTerrorStreak
    Reactions: 2,320
    Posts: 500
    edited March 2021
    Soga wrote: »
    Either bring them back or delete them please.

    Nah don't delete them Nexon doesn't need any more help angering the player base atm with all the kms fiasco that trickled down to us... But what do you expect from a corporation... they try to make as much profit as possible and some don't have any conscience so greed runs wild.
  • ShadEightShadEight
    Reactions: 3,110
    Posts: 381
    edited March 2021
    They just need to release sengoku high and we'll all forget about the flames/IA incident, its really that simple.
  • JettLuvsUJettLuvsU
    Reactions: 2,526
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    edited March 2021
    I wish devs just decided that potential and starforce on badges is just part of the GMS meta. Badge revamp when?
  • SoonSoon
    Reactions: 210
    Post: 1
    I agree, Sengoku Hakase Badge or another level 160+ equivalent (i.e. with potential and starforce) badge should be obtainable in the game. Nexon has been saying that they were going to listen to the players more (at least in Korea), and I am speaking for many that we want a pottable badge. MapleStory is all about progression, and each and every player should have an equal opportunity to reach a goal. Whether the goal is soloing a particular boss or reaching a certain stat, players should not be at a disadvantage because of the time their characters were created. Penalizing characters created in the last 2.5 years by not allowing them to obtain an item is extremely unfair and goes against the purpose of the game. Although the Sengoku Hakase Badge was exclusively released during the Sengoku High event, any player should be able to obtain something similar. We would not even mind a questline for one like the Ghost Ship Exorcist Badge. I for one would not mind not receiving compensation for the recent drama with flames and inner ability if it meant we could obtain such a badge. The bottom line is that at the time someone is playing, they should not be restricted or unable to achieve their fullest potential, no matter how much time and money they put into the game. If anything, I would like a response from Nexon to my comment and their plan to proceed with this issue so that I, and many others, can know for certain what lies ahead of us.
  • MynodexMynodex
    Reactions: 760
    Posts: 15
    edited July 2021
    Pleasee bring pottable badges back! new players deserve it and we are willing to spend lots of nx to pot them! JUST TAKE OUR MONEY BUT BRING THEM ON!
  • alejo12345alejo12345
    Reactions: 300
    Posts: 3
    edited August 2021
    It would be nice if nexon bring back sengoku or maybe new badges that have main potential and bonus potential. PLEASEEE BRING THEM ON!