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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I know it's hard to, but things like perm nx and ability to switch hairs freely on reboot with the hair coupon should be possible. I don't want to spend tens or hundreds even, trying to get the hair I want. In KMS, this makes the gameplay more fun. I know it's quality of life change, but it'll bring more enjoyment to the game.
Because Reboot is ~50% of GMS and that's completely unviable to lose that much revenue
That's why I play on regular servers where you can turn meso ->pseudo-nx to buy cash items
Ironically Regular Servers feel more f2p than reboot to me
But perhaps if rewards points were more like KMS mileage, which allows people to purchase untradeable NX with rewards points
This I think would be heavily useful for Reboot