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Hello, I think GMS would benefit a lot from merging all of the reg servers into one server with more channels. As it stands, Bera makes up about 14% of the population, Scania is 9%, Aurora is around 7%, and Elysium is around 6%. Compared to Reboot server, all these servers merged into one would still be less of a population than that server. Many people are starting to quit this game and the servers feel a lot less populated, causing a loss of motivation within the player base. I also have friends in Bera server that I'd like to play this game with again that I was separated from years ago due to world transfer since I was taking a break at the time. If new players were to decide to play this game, they would most likely go to Reboot, due to the higher overall population, which doesn't help any of the non-reboot server's case.
With the recent fixes and upkeep to the channels of various servers, I think it would be a good chance to consider merging the non-reboot servers into one server with 30 channels. This would overall increase the health of the game, bring motivation to people and possibly bring back some players who have left this game. From a personal point of view, it feels bad that I can't be in the same server as my friends that I have made in the past on this game due to not being around for one server transfer, which is a problem that many others deal with on this game as well. I'm not in the position to drop everything on my current server and start fresh either, because I would lose way too much progression and it would be devastating to start from the beginning. That being said, I hope that this is taken into consideration as I genuinely believe that something like this would help the current state of the game. I know many other people that can agree with me about this and I would like to see this suggestion taken into consideration and possibly implemented sometime in the future. Thank you.

I do sympathize with you being split off from your friends do to previous world leaps and such, but i don't see that as a compelling reason to merge the servers, either.
If anything, the only reason i could see Nexon deciding to merge the regular worlds, is if the cost to maintain them all separately becomes problematic. I must confess, however, that it seems inevitable given the trajectory of the regular worlds in recent years. It seems to me that when you zoom out and look at Maple, that the regular servers continue losing worlds, and players, and that eventually they will have to merge [as much as i don't want to see it happen]
I am curious to hear what people from the non-bera worlds think about this topic. I imagine many enjoy their "quiet" channels and not having to compete for maps. I wonder how they feel about their trading markets. If there is enough activity in the markets to sustain their economy in a healthy way, then i see no reason to merge at the moment.
The "core gameplay" can be considered many things and can also have different interpretations for people at various levels of the game. All I can really do is just keep grinding now for "more numbers", but in the end I don't think that some of the less populated servers have as much of an opportunity in this game as the more populated ones and perhaps vice versa I guess. I think that there are definitely some parts of the game that I can enjoy alone, however at some point a less populated and quiet server is just not as fun to play in and I'd be willing to suffer the cons for the pros in this case.
The people who have actually been playing continuously all this time, chose to stay in their worlds during the World Leap, and generally prefer the peace and quiet of those worlds.
What would happen if the worlds were merged?
The people who returned from hiatus will discover that the game has changed. Even in a more crowded world, nobody ever trains together, does PQs, or even talks in-game. All socializing is done in Discords. So these people will either learn the new way of socializing - which they could have done in "empty" worlds too, we have guilds and the guilds have Discords - or they'll decide the new Maplestory is not fun and quit.
Meanwhile, the people who've played continuously, and liked being able to easily find burning maps and not have to fight botters for good maps, will suffer the ills of overcrowded servers that they tried so hard to avoid. Maybe they'll continue playing, despite being less happy, and maybe they'll quit too.
All in all, doesn't sound like a good move.
With the part about how socializing is done through discord, at one point I was a player who by chance was at a certain point in life where I was too busy at the time to keep up with this game, and I had to take a break as a result to focus on some other priorities. It doesn't mean I didn't lose my passion to play the game during this period of time, but I couldn't make time to manage with events. As a result, when I came back I got punished for it by being split off from my friends and the guild that I was in. I didn't want to just forego the progress I had made on my already existing character so I could be with my friends, I wanted to keep both my progression and be in the same server as the people I had made connections with in this game. I don't find much of those opportunities in the server I'm in currently. I've requested many times to be able to be transferred to the same server that my friends are in, but I continue to get the response that it's not a service Nexon is currently offering. However, this feels unfair because by chance I wasn't around for that one and only one period of time where there was a world leap. I'm sure there are many other players who feel the same way, but don't even bother to speak up because with the way this community feels most of the time, whenever they have an issue they're unfaithful that Nexon will accommodate them, and they tell me the same thing when I speak of this ordeal to them. My seemingly one and only solution would be to just quit my character and start over, but I don't think I should have to sacrifice everything I've worked for in order to be able to move servers. Server merging is something I thought might be an easier solution than doing another world transfer, considering how the current population of some of the regular servers is dropping, and lack of opportunities regarding guilds and socializing follows as a result.
Why not just let people like him and others like him (me too) world transfer? That would also be another solid opportunity to email and call old players back. It's been years since the merge, it's not people simply "missing" it.
Edit: Did you just spit misinformation there? I have not seen a "World Leap event" for people to miss.
It was back in 2017.
2017? So about five years of not having one, you cant just dismiss say we've "missed" it". The context also includes forcing us into a world we didn't want through a merge in 2019 and telling us ohhh make new friends. Please put in a word that a world leap event is warranted.
during my time back to this game after the world leap, I did try to make new friends and join a guild. However, as a result I found that they were pretty cliquey, and when I left, I was bullied and called a scammer by the leader of that guild due to pettiness and spite and this was said in front of numerous other players even though I had been cordial about leaving. This made me feel upset and as a result I shut myself out from talking to people and deleted people who knew about it from my buddy list. Also, an anonymous person had tried to impersonate my ign to cause drama in this server by using the fake letter tactic. I already sent in a ticket regarding that but these are just some examples of why I feel unhappy in this server.
I think there's a lot of things incorrect about this post.. You're making a huge generalization that people who want a merge are all people who took a break from the game.. I get that you believe that is your anecdotal experience, but I'm reluctant to believe you are aware of the cadence of gameplay each player complaining of low populated servers has had with maplestory.. And what would that even imply? If someone took a break 5 years ago and missed the transfer event but has been playing for 4 years since, does that negate their opinion? (PS. this is the story of pretty much all maplers plus or minus a few years )
Also, when the transfer event happened in 2017, most players that chose to stay were the ones already in Bera, as they already had a well populated server and it was banned as a transfer option, and iirc, there was a mass-migration to Windia which gutted Khaini/Broa.. Are you really advocating for Elysiums population size?
It also isn't all about socialization for the merge. The main difference for non-reboot servers is the economy. having minimal players in 4 different servers= all of them have minimal items for sale.. This isn't just a problem for convenience, but also the perceived 'resale' value of items is diminished, which will encourage players to jump ship to minimize losses (which is already very obvious looking at some of the non-reboot discord servers)..
Mainly, I agree with the above poster that you can't bring up a transfer event from 5 years ago as a rationale that the 'consistent' players will be punished for this.. someone playing since 2018, or even 2020 doing their dailies is a 'consistent' player. And the complaint about finding burning maps/fighting botters is an argument you've brought up 3-4 years ago. the population of these servers has since decreased so significantly since then that even with a full merge, the difference would be minimal compared to Windia in 2017 for example..
after countless threads by players in need to merge/move to alive world they just get slap with lame excuses to keep in dead-ghost worlds over and over again
kudos for trying bring this again and good luck hopefully soon (by looking at recent road map it won't happen this year )