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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Suggestion:Remove Beast Tamer, Jett, Hayato&Kanna
I don't see how them being in the game at all effects you...all you have to do is not play them and you have your "true pure maplestory experience."
Plus removing them takes away all the time and money people have put into their BTs, Jetts, Hayatos, and Kannas.
And yeah that you dislike training those not means they have to be removed !!
Like DnaMan says many many players have spent hours / weeks / months /years to level each and every available character in maple either as main or to be a add to Legion Level . take them away means people will loose spend money aswell in CS on those chars and it will drop any advantage the Legion gives because of them .
I'd also like to see gollux gear , along with commerci, removed because kms does not have it as well. (mine boomed at 21)
This is not KMS...this is GMS...Yes, most/all our content comes from KMS but before that GMS did come out with exclusive content and/or used content from other versions...GMS shouldn't have to suffer losing something just because KMS doesn't have it...which also brings up the point that Nexon shouldn't have ever took out Pottable Badges
Are you sure about that? People are definitely insane enough to suggest stuff like this with complete sincerity. And if it is a joke post, it's kinda spam because it's in the suggestion channel as if it's a real suggestion.
It's an absurd suggestion which I hope most people would disagree with. But very much possible the OP actually wants this.