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A case for Jett, Please reconsider it's removal!

Reactions: 1,911
Posts: 22
Member, Private Tester
edited April 2023 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
As many of you have seen, Nexon has plans to remove the "Jett" class in an upcoming update.
I'd personally started out MapleStory with this class as my first back in 2012, and have mained it for several years.
Myself and many others have mained this Jett class for years, and spent thousands of hours with it.

We love Jett's fast gameplay and awesome skill design, and there's truly nothing that can replace it.
Even if it hasn't been updated as much as other classes, we'd gladly take the bare minimum of updates over being fully removed or forced to something else.

This is a desparate plea, please reconsider Jett's removal, and instead allow us existing Jetts to stay our class.
Eunwaimaplehero9WhimsicatStaconaWhorificKlaraSherriClawStaffMugagagarlee13and 10 others.


  • MadBradMadBrad
    Reactions: 460
    Posts: 2
    edited April 2023
    seconded, I only spent over 1k hours and hundreds of dollars on this game because of jett. No other class has been nearly as fun to me especially not the explorers...
  • ChimichurroChimichurro
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    edited April 2023
    like yall not even gonna give us mo xuan? only 100 nodes? I'm livid.
  • EunwaiEunwai
    Reactions: 1,260
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    edited April 2023
    I agree. The memo emphasizes removing Jett because it's unique to GMS and they don't want to focus on "one region-specific" class. Then what about MoXuan in the other region? Why are they melting GMS on our unique features while letting other regions continue to enjoy theirs?
  • maplehero9maplehero9
    Reactions: 580
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    edited April 2023
    Agreed. Jett is a very unique class with a unique aesthetic that makes her a great addition to the game. Removing her and replacing her with an Explorer, especially without adequate compensation for her removal, is a huge blow to everyone who's put time and effort into progressing their characters. Overseas content allows for a special kind of enjoyment in the game outside the usual classes and storylines, and it would be a shame for all the work that's been put into developing it to just be scrapped without any way of replacing it with something just as unique.
  • SouriaSouria
    Reactions: 1,200
    Posts: 13
    edited April 2023
    this. from a business perspective, too, its hard to see this as anything but a kick in the teeth, especially the reasoning that it's being removed because it's buggy. this hasn't stopped equally buggy content from existing with zero concern from nexon's end in the past, so it's hard to see this as anything other than 1. pure laziness, which feels especially bad knowing most everything is coded from kms anyway, especially now that nexon is really under fire, OR 2. an excuse reason for kms to release another class that they feel was too similar to jett...though if thats the case they shouldve done what they did for mo xuan in tms and wait until that was released so you could switch jett to that Or an explorer.

    extremely bizarre decision all around, and one they really should reverse. i dont know the inside details, but if they ran a diagnostic on all the problems with jett and decided itd cost less to just delete it than to fix the issues, then it really just shows bad business sense for a long run... theyve kind of only been focusing on short term as of late anyway, and it seems less and less that they have much faith in their own product or the longevity of the medium (as, uh, everyone remembers.)

    tldr; weird and bad decision. should reverse
  • MascaradeMascarade
    Reactions: 1,210
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    edited April 2023
    I can't believe what I just read, so just like that, all of the hard work and game play is just gone ? How incredibly ridiculous this is, you can't take care and update ONE char. Unacceptable, no player of ANY game should EVER be treated so badly with no real reason except "laziness" is the real reason.. why don't you just do away with all chars, give us one smiling char for all to play, and while you're at it just make them all the same, EXACTLY the same, there that should make it "extra" easy for you to update this game ! just when I think nexon can't get any worse you do.. so angry about this !!!
  • KrosanJettKrosanJett
    Reactions: 590
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    edited April 2023
    I think to delete us isn't the correct way to go.
    We don't ask for much even the balance updates we suggest for you from us just to make us even with the other characters.
    Jett has his unique game play no other job has in the game. his dashes and speed are no match to no other job.
    You don't want to rebalance us and just ignore us? fine, but don't throw our hard work on our beautiful space cowgirl.

    Let us live!
  • WhimsicatWhimsicat
    Reactions: 350
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    edited April 2023
    yes please just leave jett alone, many of us would rather have jett remain in the game even if we don't get any updates. even the link skill and legion don't even matter, jett is one of the biggest reasons I am enjoying playing this game.
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
    Posts: 533
    edited April 2023
    Jett or any other class should never be removed from the game and this is unacceptable from Nexon!

    Even if they don't reconsider Jett's fate, you could try out Khali which mobs just like Jett even though the bossing is drastically different. No space car or beetle turret though...
  • KerocolaKerocola
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    edited April 2023
    I will not stand for the removal of Jett. It was extremely unique being put together by the original GMS dev team and to remove it not only hurts the player base, but spits on the work the original GMS dev team did. It remained as the last relic of their work and continuing the efforts to keep the class on par with every other class is keeping that dream alive. They gave us Jett because they wanted to give GMS something special, and they did, but removing Jett just because development is tricky around it? I don't buy it.

    Jett is one of my favorite classes, truly. I love it's focus on movement and speed, and being a funny space theming to it's attacks was charming. The day we got the space scooter to fly around on was beautiful. The class has been through a lot of updates, mostly rough, where each rebalance clipped more of it's tools away from it. The writing was on the wall, but we had fun with what we had. Jett was our special GMS class.

    I know my voice will fall on deaf ears knowing the team has already made their decision, but I urge the team to reconsider. I love Jett. icon.png
  • StaconaStacona
    Reactions: 2,045
    Posts: 533
    edited April 2023
    Nexon: "Bugs are in the game and we don't want to do our job, so we are deleting Jett as a resulf."
    ~ The Nexon Team
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
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    edited April 2023
    Jett was one of the few classes whose aesthetic and playstyle I enjoyed, and I even enjoyed some of the changes made in the last 3+ years. I was looking forward to seeing where its story would go, but honestly Nexon's incompetence and decision to remove it have left a sour taste in my mouth, as well as many others. I know that the dev team doesn't listen to feedback, making this section of the forums moot, but I still think it's worth giving my two cents as well as everyone else's. If Jett being an Explorer was a cause for concern, Nexon could just convert it to new class IDs similar to how CMS and TMS converted Zen to Mo Xuan while keeping the skillset. However, I've noticed that the overseas devs seem to have a bias against GMS and MSEA, screwing both regions (and possibly JMS) out of the Critical Damage Legion blocks just like MSEA did with Zen. Therefore, I draw the line here and will not return to this game, and possibly will stop editing the wiki as a result.
  • xNailKaiserxNailKaiser
    Reactions: 2,450
    Posts: 118
    edited April 2023
    They should replace Jett with Ayame in character creation to give us the last member of the Sengoku team at least.

    I actually didn't mind Jett as a character, but they should at least let us keep existing Jett characters.
  • WhorificWhorific
    Reactions: 1,975
    Posts: 88
    edited April 2023
    Removing Jett is absolutely cruel. Jett mains have invested hundreds, if not thousands of hours into their Jetts. Nexon is taking all that effort and completely throwing it out.

    I've been playing my Jett for 7 years. It kills me to think all that effort is going down the drain because Nexon doesn't want to deal with bugs.

    Forcing a job change to Explorer characters isn't good because none of those characters, or any other character for that matter, have a playstyle that's similar to Jett's. Instead of playing a character for fun, I'll be stuck with, at best, a strong bossing mule that I'll never enjoy as much as I did Jett.

    And if bug fixing really is the main cause of this removal like the Memo suggests, then what about all the other non-KMS characters? Is Beast Tamer next on the chopping block? Do Hayato and Kanna get a pass because they're from JMS? Or if Jett will be the only one, why? Hayato gets bugs more often than Jett does, at least on the live servers. Should I not report bugs for these characters at all? If there's always a threat of removal due to bugs, then bug reports seem counterintuitive.

    Removing existing Jetts is the worst thing Nexon could have done here.
  • StratosStratos
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 2
    edited April 2023
    Please do not delete my favorite class. It's one thing to sunset support for the class, but it is much more cruel to permanently remove the class and force all current Jetts to switch to something else.
  • CaegsCaegs
    Reactions: 750
    Post: 1
    edited April 2023
    This decision by Nexon is a huge slap in the face to the player base and makes me feel very uneasy about continuing to play this game.

    I don’t see how Nexon can expect for us to continue to invest time and money into this game when they just continue to screw over players by nerfing content. Removing an entire class, screwing over beginners, and screwing over the players who invest time and money into the deleted class isn’t helpful to the game or community.

    KMS has already been looking bad with the drama. Kang Won-ki‘s comment about RPG’s being a dying genre doesn’t boost any confidence that GMS can survive either.

    I get GMS is trying to align themselves more with KMS. But Nexon beating down the few players they have left isn’t going to make us want to still play.

    Give players the ability to keep their Jetts and disable the ability to create new ones. Also allow for Jetts to have a one time job change if they don’t want to play an EoL class. But leave the Jetts alone who do want to play an EoL class.

  • DodochDodoch
    Reactions: 1,380
    Posts: 36
    edited April 2023
    Jett was the only thing that was keeping me playing after they gutted out Kanna. Now this will bring a new precedent of "we are too lazy to fix it, lets just get rid of it". They just don't care about the game or their playerbase.
  • SherriSherri
    Reactions: 3,375
    Posts: 309
    edited April 2023
    what they're doing is absolutely messed up, why the hell are they removing a class that was around for over 10 years??? are they seriously this lazy? first it's kanna and now jett?! this is why i never play this game anymore, i dropped by to support all the people who poured blood, sweat, and tears into their jett and now getting absolutely scammed of their hard work and money. nexon if you see this (which i doubt), SHAME ON YOU.

    oh yeah and i was doing some thinking.. after this crapstorm happens, what'll stop them from wiping out other jobs and banishing them into the ether? :unamused:
  • FuhreakFuhreak
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    edited April 2023
    If nexon wants to remove "Single Region" content then the solution seems to me that they should add Jett to KMS and balance it as content there rather than remove it entirely. Or as someone else mentioned above, if they want to create a character with a similar playstyle and just let players transfer to that character instead.

    This sets a dangerous precedent for any non-KMS content that at any given moment you could lose everything. We already had this set for legacy content but at least people who obtained those items got to keep them. In this case Jett players don't even get to keep their characters.
  • ClawStaffClawStaff
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    edited April 2023
    I don't even like what they did to Jett since the previous version of them that had the FMA with 0 CD, which now has a cooldown. But this is absolutely ridiculous to remove a class because you're too lazy to fix bugs. I'm glad I stopped playing Maple for a while, because this would have made me quit, and I don't even play Jett. Removing classes is absolutely insane, and should not EVER be done. And yes, what about Kanna Hayato and Beast Tamer? Are they safe, or can this happen to them as well?

    Beast Tamer has had bugs during a lot of times their creation was reopened, so it feels like Beast Tamer is the next candidate for a class that will be removed. I absolutely do not want that to happen, I'm just worried that it will, given the precedent this sets.

    More and more things that made global unique are getting removed, and this by far takes the cake. Some of it was brought back, and Luminous happened to get changes that made them similar to the original version of Luminous we had, but if it wasn't for that the unique balancing Global had for Luminous (including the longer teleport) would have been permanently gone from Maple. As well as some global specific other content was closed for the longest time, with some things returning, while others didn't.