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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
A case for Jett, Please reconsider it's removal!
extremely bizarre decision all around, and one they really should reverse. i dont know the inside details, but if they ran a diagnostic on all the problems with jett and decided itd cost less to just delete it than to fix the issues, then it really just shows bad business sense for a long run... theyve kind of only been focusing on short term as of late anyway, and it seems less and less that they have much faith in their own product or the longevity of the medium (as, uh, everyone remembers.)
tldr; weird and bad decision. should reverse
We don't ask for much even the balance updates we suggest for you from us just to make us even with the other characters.
Jett has his unique game play no other job has in the game. his dashes and speed are no match to no other job.
You don't want to rebalance us and just ignore us? fine, but don't throw our hard work on our beautiful space cowgirl.
Let us live!
Even if they don't reconsider Jett's fate, you could try out Khali which mobs just like Jett even though the bossing is drastically different. No space car or beetle turret though...
Jett is one of my favorite classes, truly. I love it's focus on movement and speed, and being a funny space theming to it's attacks was charming. The day we got the space scooter to fly around on was beautiful. The class has been through a lot of updates, mostly rough, where each rebalance clipped more of it's tools away from it. The writing was on the wall, but we had fun with what we had. Jett was our special GMS class.
I know my voice will fall on deaf ears knowing the team has already made their decision, but I urge the team to reconsider. I love Jett.
~ The Nexon Team
I actually didn't mind Jett as a character, but they should at least let us keep existing Jett characters.
I've been playing my Jett for 7 years. It kills me to think all that effort is going down the drain because Nexon doesn't want to deal with bugs.
Forcing a job change to Explorer characters isn't good because none of those characters, or any other character for that matter, have a playstyle that's similar to Jett's. Instead of playing a character for fun, I'll be stuck with, at best, a strong bossing mule that I'll never enjoy as much as I did Jett.
And if bug fixing really is the main cause of this removal like the Memo suggests, then what about all the other non-KMS characters? Is Beast Tamer next on the chopping block? Do Hayato and Kanna get a pass because they're from JMS? Or if Jett will be the only one, why? Hayato gets bugs more often than Jett does, at least on the live servers. Should I not report bugs for these characters at all? If there's always a threat of removal due to bugs, then bug reports seem counterintuitive.
Removing existing Jetts is the worst thing Nexon could have done here.
I don’t see how Nexon can expect for us to continue to invest time and money into this game when they just continue to screw over players by nerfing content. Removing an entire class, screwing over beginners, and screwing over the players who invest time and money into the deleted class isn’t helpful to the game or community.
KMS has already been looking bad with the drama. Kang Won-ki‘s comment about RPG’s being a dying genre doesn’t boost any confidence that GMS can survive either.
I get GMS is trying to align themselves more with KMS. But Nexon beating down the few players they have left isn’t going to make us want to still play.
Give players the ability to keep their Jetts and disable the ability to create new ones. Also allow for Jetts to have a one time job change if they don’t want to play an EoL class. But leave the Jetts alone who do want to play an EoL class.
oh yeah and i was doing some thinking.. after this crapstorm happens, what'll stop them from wiping out other jobs and banishing them into the ether?
This sets a dangerous precedent for any non-KMS content that at any given moment you could lose everything. We already had this set for legacy content but at least people who obtained those items got to keep them. In this case Jett players don't even get to keep their characters.
Beast Tamer has had bugs during a lot of times their creation was reopened, so it feels like Beast Tamer is the next candidate for a class that will be removed. I absolutely do not want that to happen, I'm just worried that it will, given the precedent this sets.
More and more things that made global unique are getting removed, and this by far takes the cake. Some of it was brought back, and Luminous happened to get changes that made them similar to the original version of Luminous we had, but if it wasn't for that the unique balancing Global had for Luminous (including the longer teleport) would have been permanently gone from Maple. As well as some global specific other content was closed for the longest time, with some things returning, while others didn't.