Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope I will enjoy my stay (I'm pretty sure I will ). My name is Freek and I'm currently playing a Wild Hunter in Luna. Born in the Netherlands and looking forward to see all these new events and content.
Hey, I already made an account here and introduced myself but I'll do it again. I'm Duck and I main an unfunded 16x Beginner in Kradia*. I've been playing since probably 2009 or some time just before Aran was released and I don't play much anymore so yeah. bye
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm not putting my age as I'm far too old to admit that these days. Used to play GMS years ago (had a priest on Broa but forgot her name) and then switched over to EMS when it opened. current main is a lvl 204 phantom (I forget to play a lot, it must be my age!) used to be homed on Kradia. Those who know me in game will know my name (and sadly how much therapy costs after you meet me!) - looking forward to getting to know new people and experiencing new events!
I'm angelmelody from The Netherlands, 20 years old. I'm a student/gamer/E-sport gamer/player/ streamer. Just some months ago I formed an E-sport team for CSGO. I'm also a sub-coach and sub-analyzer for my team. Next month we are joining an E-sport tournament to get more experience on stage.
I've been playing MapleStory EU since early 2009 (which is quite long time ago). I played there on the server: Kradia as Lassuai I will probably stay in Luna to stay with my guildmembers or guildleader and friends.
Hi, not sure what to introduce myself as since I haven't yet made a character. I'm fairly new to MapleStory and although I haven't gotten far last time I've played, I'm starting over with the merge and hope I'll stay awhile.
The community has been very friendly so far here on the Forums, helping out with answering some of my, more than likely, bizarre questions, usually in great detail with a fair dose of understanding.
I do hope to make some friends in-game, the more the merrier. See you all around!
Greetings, I'm maining a lvl 219 Evan, and look foward to the revamp coming with this migration. I was playing on Kradia EU.
I played Maplestory when I was younger, but it did not last very long, but I returned to maplestory around 2 and a half year ago to re-live some of my younger days after some fatigue on other games I was playing, and still having a blast playing. I hope to stick around for quite a while yet, and with the 5th job on the horizon, things will soon get even more interesting.
And like WildFreek said, it will be good with some new content after a drought. I'll dedicate my entire day tomorrow to exploring all the new things that we're getting.
I am Rik, 18 years old and from the Netherlands. I am a Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning) called ArchMageSjon and I am lvl204 on Kradia EMS > Luna. for the older (mostly Dutch) MapleStory players maybe also known as MagicSjon my Flame Wizard. Sjon comes from a video I saw on Youtube back then and I thought it was funny but now I have to deal with it haha.
I am doing the last year of Senior General Secondary Education (SGSE) (Havo 5 in Dutch Hopefully this the right translation). Working at the local supermarket. And ofcourse a MapleStory player.
My name on the EMS forums was 123456789141 (not nice but finaly I got rid of it). Hopefully there will return a Dutch forum (or forum section) here as well because we always had a lot of fun over there.
I would love if we had Signatures and personal avatars on this forum just like we used to.
Thank you for the welcome (back). Started playing Maple on GMS 2006 , sent to EMS , now sent back again, hence the name. Main char is a Paladin. Looking forward to seeing my guild back on here.
Yay Sam, nice to see you. you can enjoy the game without us moaning now
Oh don't you worry about that. I'll make sure she won't get a moment of peace.
I'm Daniel, dan for short, because there are too many daniels on ems. I'm the sexiest dawn warrior on this side of the ocean and will haunt the game from time to time
I'm lvl 209 Phantom from EMS Kradia, also known as Kurasu (as my profile name says)
Please take good care of me :^)
Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope I will enjoy my stay (I'm pretty sure I will
I'm Duck and I main an unfunded 16x Beginner in Kradia*.
I've been playing since probably 2009 or some time just before Aran was released and I don't play much anymore so yeah.
I'm not putting my age as I'm far too old to admit that these days. Used to play GMS years ago (had a priest on Broa but forgot her name) and then switched over to EMS when it opened. current main is a lvl 204 phantom (I forget to play a lot, it must be my age!) used to be homed on Kradia.
Those who know me in game will know my name (and sadly how much therapy costs after you meet me!) - looking forward to getting to know new people and experiencing new events!
I'm angelmelody from The Netherlands, 20 years old.
I'm a student/gamer/E-sport gamer/player/ streamer.
Just some months ago I formed an E-sport team for CSGO. I'm also a sub-coach and sub-analyzer for my team.
Next month we are joining an E-sport tournament to get more experience on stage.
I've been playing MapleStory EU since early 2009 (which is quite long time ago). I played there on the server: Kradia as Lassuai
I will probably stay in Luna to stay with my guildmembers or guildleader and friends.
The community has been very friendly so far here on the Forums, helping out with answering some of my, more than likely, bizarre questions, usually in great detail with a fair dose of understanding.
I do hope to make some friends in-game, the more the merrier.
See you all around!
I played Maplestory when I was younger, but it did not last very long, but I returned to maplestory around 2 and a half year ago to re-live some of my younger days after some fatigue on other games I was playing, and still having a blast playing. I hope to stick around for quite a while yet, and with the 5th job on the horizon, things will soon get even more interesting.
And like WildFreek said, it will be good with some new content after a drought. I'll dedicate my entire day tomorrow to exploring all the new things that we're getting.
I am Rik, 18 years old and from the Netherlands.
I am a Arch Mage (Ice, Lightning) called ArchMageSjon and I am lvl204 on Kradia EMS > Luna. for the older (mostly Dutch) MapleStory players maybe also known as MagicSjon my Flame Wizard. Sjon comes from a video I saw on Youtube back then and I thought it was funny but now I have to deal with it haha.
I am doing the last year of Senior General Secondary Education (SGSE) (Havo 5 in Dutch Hopefully this the right translation). Working at the local supermarket. And ofcourse a MapleStory player.
My name on the EMS forums was 123456789141 (not nice but finaly I got rid of it).
Hopefully there will return a Dutch forum (or forum section) here as well because we always had a lot of fun over there.
I would love if we had Signatures and personal avatars on this forum just like we used to.
- Rik
Hello to all players and Team GMS.
I'm Kanado, my main character is Kanna nv. 225. I'm counting the time to start playing for this new world in GMS.
Already introduced myself here before but since I am coming from EMS no harm in doing it again.
I'm Sammy, I am terrible at introductions.
I play a lovely DA and I used to be the EMS English Forum Mod.
I'm terribly British but I am also learning Dutch. I also just got a puppy today!
I just want to wish a super warm welcome to everyone from the EU region
Let's make new history together ^____^
Also read this thread:
It's like the best thread on the entire forum!
Started playing Maple on GMS 2006 , sent to EMS , now sent back again, hence the name.
Main char is a Paladin.
Looking forward to seeing my guild back on here.
I'm Daniel, dan for short, because there are too many daniels on ems.
I'm the sexiest dawn warrior on this side of the ocean and will haunt the game from time to time
Glad to see so many EMS players come over here!