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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Patch v244 Kanna Balance Feedback
1. Haku
- FD is reliant on having party members, should be replace with max FD no party reliant
- Give back the Ignore Enemy Defense Haku used to give (40%)
- Magic Att% based on Fan could be rework to include Weapon Att%
- Nine-Tailed Fury interaction with Haku is a cool idea but the damage is negligible. Could rework this interaction into a Shadow Partner like skill (70% FD to be in line with other classes)
- Fan counting as a secondary but only for certain potential stat forces the class to roll for 3L magic is not great.
2. Barriers
- Should just consolidate both barrier into one with both effect.
3. Kishin
- Spawn boosting effect has been removed and yet there's a cool down when other classes have virtually no cooldown for their summon kit.
4. Soul bomb, Nightghost Guide, Yosuzume, Circle of Suppression, Orochi Unbound(damn that's like half of Kanna skills excluding 5th job)
- Soul bomb is just outdate and doesn't do anything in the current training meta
- Nightghost tries to be a cool Final Attack skill but low proc and lack of damage
- Yosuzume outdamage by other similar skill like Nightlord's Assassin Mark, Wind Archer's Trifling Wind, Nightwalker Shadow Bats
- Circle of Suppression does negligible damage
- Orochi Unbound is trashed on by Blink, make it into another install summon.
support tickets usually tell us to go to forums but there's even less responses here
any sight off a dev wanting to share reasoning and conversation on unannounced changes?
vanquisher's doesnt bug out, it was their choice to make it cost 40 mana per second... the devs dont play the class at all and their own testing is majorly flawed, either that or they're simply bad at their job:
imagine you're a kanna that just leveled to 100, you have 100 mana, you cant add any hyperstat to get more mana yet, untill you're 140 at least.
So at 4th job (level 100) you unlock vanquisher's charm, and now you have a skill that is WORTHLESS because with 100 mana it either works for 2 seconds (the skill can last for 10) or you have to stay over a mana vein which makes it useless unless its against bosses (you also need to be lucky to have a RANDOMLY SPAWNED mana vein where you want it to be).
Only at 5th job and with the help of Yuki and having somewhere near 200 mana (100 from hyperstat . yeah we dont need those precious hyperstat points, right??? XDDDDD) are you finally able to set up bursts and use vanq for 10 full seconds, just make sure not to screw up and not cast yuki or mana balance out of order or your (non-existent) damage will be gone
I can't see this ever getting better. Just give players an out.
Feedback to improve how Kanna plays is important, but this is you just want big number to be bigger aside from improving Kishin.
It has nothing to do with number being bigger, it has to do with the fact that they made the weakest class in the game WEAKER while saying they were doing the opposite.
If everyone gets much stronger with 6th job, and kanna gets stronger too, it doesn't change the fact we are STILL the dead last class in the game in terms of solo damage, even when compared to supports and "supports"
Kanna is not the lowest damage class in the game.
In a solo setting, it absolutely is.
Normalized for 65K stat w/ oz ring and 90% boss equivalent familiars/8K legion, the next weakest classes in the game all do about 15-20% more damage in their full rotation (literally every other class in the game touches or breaks the 300b/s line at that gear, Kanna still barely breaks 250) most of which also don't have to deal with as many positioning/RNG variables. Kanna's paper rotation is the lowest of any class, and her paper rotation is still about 15% higher than it is in practice, so it's actually even worse.
It's not as evident on fast boss clears when a lot of weekly bosses are gated by number of bursts, on top of Black Mage being a poor metric for several reasons (classes that have ability to completely ignore black curse naturally clear faster, whodathunk), but it's much more evident on newer bosses like Seren and Kalos.
The only two classes without a HSeren solo clear on Reboot are Kanna and BT, and in the latter's case that's more from a lack of funded BTs than the class fundamentally not having enough damage in its kit to clear in the versions of the game leading up to 6th job. Kanna is also currently the only class that actively gets posted against joining endgame bossing parties because her personal damage is so awful that even with Domain as a temporary buff, bringing all but the absolute strongest Kanna players is a net drain on your party nowadays, even counting the 15 second bind.
Kanna should be able to get their best damage without using filter keys, which would require changes to haunting (mainly to eliminate the end-delay between one set of hauntings and the next) and possibly to tengu as well.
One of my friends was permanently banned for "Behavior consistent with hacking" and the only thing we can think of is that her filter keys was registry edited.
So you should be careful about this as Nexon is this dumb when it comes to false bans. An issue I've called them out on in the past.
So you think Kanna mains should pay the price because there are kanna hackers? there were phases of 'hacking' classes for most classes, if this is the way you work then I wonder what would u say if your main class would be a hacking class and they'd cripple this class due to that.
1. Upjump (Shikigami Charm) has a cooldown
2. Upjump (Shikigami Charm) costs a significant amount of mana
3. Upjump (Shikigami Charm) goes backwards even if holding an arrow key when used against a wall
4. Mana veins cannot be placed manually, and the automatic spawns are bugged in a significant number of maps
5. Mana veins can despawn while you are placing a barrier
6. Barriers do not place when the skill is used the majority of the time
7. Misplaced Barriers cannot be canceled
8. Vanquishers Charm is required to charge our burst skill, but then must be used later to actually burst. This leads to 70 second burst setups, which require the boss to be attackable 70 seconds after the burst begins to do damage. This has been somewhat mitigated with recent changes, but the burst setup is still significantly longer than other classes.
9. Vanquishers Charm cooldown starts after it has finished casting, leading to issues with CD Skip and Time Leap
10. Haku should be a toggle or passive
11. Nine-tailed Fury darkens the screen even with skill transparency at 0, making it impossible to see boss patterns
12. Mana Vein opacity should be able to be toggled, similar to Mechanic's summons
13. You should not be able to see other Kanna's Mana Veins
14. Damage was added to summons to replace lost damage in Shikigami Haunting, however replacing summons is clunky, they do not attack immediately on being placed, and they have a cooldown, making them entirely useless against bosses that can move at all
15. Mana Overload turns off when you run out of Mana, even though it consumes HP and not Mana, and due to other bugs Kanna runs out of Mana constantly
16. Mana Overload does not affect Kanna "summons", which includes skills like Tengu Strike and Spirit Circle, major parts of Kanna's overall damage output
17. Kanna has no IED built into the class
18. Kanna has minimal final damage built into the class
19. Kanna requires a full party to achieve full final damage bonus
20. Changes to Exorcist's Charm and Tengu Strike have made Exo-weaving impossible
21. Shikigami Doppelganger is bugged and sometimes does not accumulate charge or cast properly
22. The Character Stats window inaccurately calculates range, due to a bug which double counts bonus HP/MP for Blessing of the Five Elements' Magic Attack
23. The ATT increase stat on items is inaccurately calculated due to the above bug which double counts bonus HP/MP for Blessing of the Five Elements' Magic Attack
24. The Character Stats window does not account for Blessing of the Five Elements when calculating total Magic Attack
25. The Character Stats window counts the Damage from Kasen twice when calculating range
26.Certain +MP and MP% lines are no longer properly converted to HP since the Savior patch
I would also like to comment on the process to get my feedback posted on this forum. The CMs/GMs explicitly recommended that all feedback be posted to the forums, and virtually outright said that feedback on discord (where the most prominent Kanna community is) and support tickets would be disregarded. After that was communicated, Kanna mains flocked to the forums to post their feedback, however, were unable to post. Accounts need to be verified, and it took me well over a month of constant complaints and being ignored by CMs to get my account verified, and many others still can not post. This evokes memories of the original Kanna nerf, during which Nexon provided statements about "monitoring the class" and "future changes", only to immediately abandon all future communication. This new nerf and response from Nexon is the same as old, only with a fresh coat of paint.
If there are no intentions to fix the class, or any intention of engaging in good faith discussion with Kanna mains on the problems with the class, Kanna should be deleted. It is not fair to the Kanna mains to be forced to play a class the development team is either utterly incapable, or entirely unwilling to balance. Letting the class sit in a completely gutted and borderline unplayable state for 478 days (original nerf at time of posting) with zero communication or intent to fix it is a complete failure from the GMS balance team.
- You no longer lose the only iframe the class has upon death and be forced to charge it again for a whole minute (eform is not a real iframe and I choose to ignore gene iframe because you are supposed to use it to charge domain).
- We are no longer forced to charge domain with vanquisher's charm (instead we are forced to use orochi, a very buggy skill).
- The damage changes are a nerf (roughly a 3% fd nerf for me). The developer notes stated that the party utility was going to be nerfed to focus on solo damage, where is it? both of these things got nerfed on this patch, our party lost 13.5% final damage during burst and kanna itself lost up to 5% fd depending on the dmg + boss dmg they had. This is LITERALLY the weakest class in the game, by far, and we did not even get a buff in our solo setting.
The following points are not exclusive to this patch but are more problems the class has had for months if not years on some cases:
- We still lose domain upon death. You still have to charge domain and stack sakunos blessing for another 30 seconds before burst, if you die during that prep you cannot burst, you lost 100% boss damage + 15% final damage + no mana consumption, meaning you cannot even use vanqisher's charm for what is left of your burst. This is a very low damage class with most of its damage being on the dpm side, why does our burst have to be so punishing? we are no longer charging domain with vanquisher's charm, remove the absurd cost of 40 mana of vanquisher's charm and let us keep domain upon death like most other classes /buffs do.
- I see that the damage that was taken from us from our 5th job boost nodes was not given back, instead you chose to give a small damage boost to vanquisher's charm (VC), a skill that is roughly 12% of our BA. If you want the class to have a better burst VC needs to be fixed, the damage needs to be increased further (I consider around 20% extra final damage to be appropriate), the cool down of the skills needs to start as soon as we press the skill not when we release it (this is because we need to fit two VC casts in domain duration), and the mana cost needs to be greatly decreased (we do not even charge domain with it anymore due to its high cost). Additionally, using VC puts kanna in a vulnerable state, we cannot release the key because the skill will go on cooldown, we cannot teleport while using it and we cannot duck while using the skill, cutting the duration of VC in half and doubling its damage would greatly contribute to QoL changes to kanna, especially with 6th job coming soon.
- Kanna is still one of the only classes without a proper upjump. When the Destiny update hit most classes got up jumps in their kit, explorer mages even got a better version of it with the hovering second part, why is kanna up jump still not upwards? and most importantly, why does it have a cool down?
- Buggy skills: you cannot tp after using Orochi skill, yuki does not work all the time but it still consumes mana (this is especially worse after this patch where we really need all the mana we can get to cast VC), barriers still take multiple attempts to cast leading to eventually casting them once the mana vein has already disappeared.
Some of these issues have already been discussed before with the community managers and in this forum thread as well, but I still want to echo how bad the class is right now. Please consider these changes, I appreciate some of the changes done this patch, but they are in no way enough, neither in terms of the solo damage the class is supposed to do (compared to other supports like BT, BaM, Bishop, Mech, etc) nor in the way the class functions, but you still decided to nerf domain (even though we have been asking for domain to scale with the intelligence stat like bishops' benediction skill for years now). Domain is not an overpowered buff, what makes it overpowered is the fact that it does not scale, make it scale with player progression and give that final
As it stands, there are now supports in the game like Dawn Warrior and Blaze Wizard who have party buffs comparable to Kanna's Domain that equate to 15% (Link) and 19% (Link) final damage respectively, but differ in that they are 100% uptime buffs while Domain has an awkward 196 second cooldown, seemingly arbitrarily set longer than 180 seconds. This causes their damage amplification to actually be stronger than that of Kanna's as they are still active during off-burst scenarios, coupled with the fact that these are classes with considerable damage when compared to Kanna. With these changes Kanna has moved down the totem pole of support classes, and future parties will recruit supportive classes that are able to hold their own in terms of damage. This is even more likely with New Age and Sixth Job arriving as end game bosses cannot be bound without an Origin skill (Link), meaning Kanna's other prominent party-play bossing skill in their 15 second duration bind is essentially nerfed too since there is no longer any benefit in letting a Kanna be the primary binder anymore, meaning there will be even less incentive to form parties with a Kanna.
However this doesn't need to be the end. We all knew that Domain had to get hit eventually because it was 33% final damage with no stat requirement, rivaling that of Bishop's Benediction with a 70k INT requirement to reach the same final damage boost (Link). With this nerf to Domain's party benefits, devs will hopefully be able to monitor Kanna accurately since numbers have been artificially inflated in terms of party composition due to people running bosses with Kanna mules solely for Domain (Link). Now Kanna doesn't provide the party with essentially "free" 33% final damage and will instead be forgone for a support class that both buffs and does damage. This would be the perfect time to give Kanna the compensation buffs they need to even be in the same playing field as the other supports.